IQ-Test 2.6 (6-Nov-98) - CNet Amiga v4 IQ-Test C-PFile
© 1991-98 John Hoyt -
IQ-Test v 2.6 (Requires CNet v4)
This is a CNet C-PFile that I have run on my system for many many years,
and I thought it was time to release it upon the general public.
The original code was written for TAG BBS by The Mad Scientist and RIP
of the World Famous Brain Care Specialists BBS...
I converted it to a CNet C-Pfile years ago and kept updating it as time
would allow.
To install, simply place it somewhere, and add it as a CPFile... You are
done. It creates a simple log "SysData:IQ-Scores". It places it there
instead of SysData:log/IQ-Scores for the simple reason that it is not meant
to be read by just everyone who can view logs, and deleted.
IQ-Test does not rank the scores, it merely saves them, and it would most
likely be best if the log was kept for the "sysop's eyes only" to save
anyone from being embarassed by a low score.
I would like to thank Kelly Cochran (Trolan) for his help in times of
trouble with this code... Thank you bro...
Kelley's Addy:
And as always, MUCH thanks to Ray Akey, without whom there would be no
CNet BBS, which is without a doubt, the best BBS software available, on
ANY platform!
Ray's Addy:
Suggested Contribution of 10.oo USD, however even an email would be nice.
For more information, updates, bug reports, etc, please contact:
DR. John M. Hoyt <>
125 Wyatt Oaks Court
Easley, SC 29642
WarNPeace on IRC - - #CNetIndependent
Architecture: m68k-amigaos