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Feedback.rexx version 3.1 by Trolan (trolan@gnomes.org)
Included files:
Feedback.readme - this file
Feedback.rexx - the feedback replacement
To allow users to target their feedback based on which of the co/sysops
handles the subject of their feedback. An example of the output follows:
Feedback 3.1 by Trolan
Based on Multi-Feedback by Vermithrax
Who would you like to direct this feedback to?
1 - Trolan - System Operator (Administrative questions)
2 - Kirath - Co-SysOp (all other questions)
Enter the number of the co/sysop (Q=Quit/Default=2):
Near the top of the ARexx, you will find the different configuration
options for what you'd like the header to look like, and where you'd like the
config file stored.
In your bbsmenu, change the line in the menu 'Available Anywhere' that reads:
"Feedback" to "2Feedback" or some other nonsense. At the bottom of that menu
add "Feedback | {#0 PFiles:BBS_Cmds/Feedback.rexx}" using the path you installed
it in. Then run the program to setup the configuration file. Anytime after
you've setup the config, you can type in whatever command you have the
feedback installed as followed by "config" to rerun the configuration
process. This program has been tested under CNet 4.x beta, and it does work.
Config file format:
Line 1 : # of sysops defined|default recipient
Line 2+: account #|Sysop Handle|Description of duties
Version History:
v3.1 - (29-Mar-96) - AmiNet Release
Minor code cleanup and color changes
v3.0 - ( 7-Feb-96) - Initial use on The Gnome's Guest House
(updates can be found on gnomes.org or on my system (which currently is INet
Ken Pletzer - Yes, he does get flamed alot for his support, but he has
written the best bbs software for any platform.
Dotoran - For the great CNet ARexx references (GU_Tools, ARexx
Vermithrax - For writing the original Multi-feedback which I got the
idea for this program from.
I can be reached at either:
trolan@gnomes.org - CNet system I co-sysop on the Internet
trolan@ggr.gnomes.org - My system (currently on the net as well)
Please drop me a line if you have a bug to report, or ideas where I can
improve this program. Thanks!
Contents of comm/cnet/FeedBack.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1289 2660 48.5% -lh5- 23a0 Mar 29 1996 Feedback.readme
[generic] 1747 4141 42.2% -lh5- 1880 Mar 29 1996 Feedback.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 3036 6801 44.6% Mar 30 1996
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