TechnoBBS is a highly flexible bulletin board system for the Amiga line of
One of TechnoBBSs strengths is that it's written for computers running
AmigaOS Release 2 or higher. This allows it to take advantage of many
major improvements in the Amiga operating system that were introduced in
release 2, which makes it much more powerful than older software that is
restricted to using only functions available in older (now obsolete)
operating systems.
Here are some of the features of the TechnoBBS system:
- Highly configurable menu-structure (can be created using ARexx or
TechMenu scripts)
- You can make your BBS look like just about anything (and you should,
since it isn't nice if all BBS's look the same), even supporting
multiple languages for users
- Relatively fast even on a 68000 (though an '020 or higher is useful)
- Easy-to-read AmigaGuide manual
- GUIs have the "AmigaOS 2.0+ look" and are font-sensitive
- Should be compatible with (and capable of using the screen modes of)
any graphics boards
- Pure executables to reduce memory consumption when multiple nodes are
active simultaneously
- Bi-directional file transfers are supported via the XPR 2.001 extension
using protocols such as DModem
- Remote-shell and stdio door support using TechIO
- Excellent command line editing features (almost exactly like the
Amiga's standard console, including command line history w/retype etc.)
- Released as shareware, you can see how you like the software and try
out all of the features (no important things, such as serial I/O, are
disabled) before buying
- Keyfile based registration policy enables an unlimited number of
virtually free updates
- Split screen chat with SysOp (and in the future, hopefully a similar
chat between nodes), much more comfortable than a traditional chat
- Should be compatible with any serial boards and devices
Hardware requirements:
TechnoBBS will run on any Amiga model with a 680x0 processor, Kickstart
2.04 or higher and at least 1MB (it'll probably just barely work, you'll
have to have a very simple configuration) of memory, though 1.5MB or more
is highly recommended. A keyboard or equivalent may be required. For
running a remote BBS, a hard drive is recommended and a modem or equivalent
device is necessary.
Software requirements:
The standard libraries for the operating system release 2.04 or higher are
required, and for a remote node a mailer or equivalent should be used to
run TechnoBBS whenever a connection is made. A device (usually
serial.device) for whatever type of modem or serial board you are using is
also necessary for remote operation.