84782 packages online
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Here is the new version of filecheck. A config programm with a mui-interface
has been included in this version. There are many changes and new functions.
Please look inside the archive. Here is a small list of some features:
- checking files for errors
- checking for duplicates / optionally a fast dupe-checker
- get file_ids from files
- add files
- strip files
- convert file_ids
- remove chars in file_ids
- add a line to file_ids
- remove lines in file_ids
- operations can be disabled
- only needed dirs will be checked
- many supported filetypes
- a lot of options
- nice interface
- setreturn is directly supported
- own outputs can be configured 100%
- some operations can be switched off for named users or boards
- all filetypes can be switched on/off
- configurationmanager with a mui-interface
- free and portable multidesc-source
- ...
At the moment three languages/styles for the output-texts are included.
If you have designed a new one, I will be pleased if you send it to me.
For more credits read the manual inside the archive.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1496 716 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 FileCheck.info
2580 1589 38.4% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +CheckHunks
15684 9172 41.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +ExeDescript
53592 33096 38.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +LhA
63692 36474 42.7% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +LZX
17708 9416 46.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +MAPUS
20208 13046 35.4% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnARJ
55064 31237 43.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnRAR
92992 40168 56.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnZIP
79176 36261 54.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +ZIP
9298 3069 66.9% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheckPrefs.catalog
427 194 54.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +batch_install
620 106 82.9% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FCHECK KILL
620 103 83.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FCHECK LIST
620 104 83.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FCHECK SET
620 105 83.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FCHECK SHOW
14240 3624 74.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +deutsch.ct
13904 3222 76.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheckPrefs.cd
13280 7678 42.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +MultiDesc
12011 3415 71.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +MultiDesc.c
668 316 52.6% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +MultiDesc.project
16 16 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +SCOPTIONS
147 101 31.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +smakefile
1464 656 55.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Docs.info
5746 1762 69.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +BigPlanet.iff
6804 1630 76.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Default.iff
5650 1871 66.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Progress.iff
50592 17635 65.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck_D.guide
2066 917 55.6% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck_D.guide.info
20556 7442 63.7% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheckPrefs_D.guide
2066 917 55.6% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheckPrefs_D.guide.info
784 45 94.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +XEN.font
3692 1898 48.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +11
2440 1455 40.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +8
2284 1483 35.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +9
17194 4070 76.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Install-FileCheck
2293 1038 54.7% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Install-FileCheck.info
1957 939 52.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +@
1517 651 57.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.config
262 182 30.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.lstrip
14 14 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.noadd
14 14 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.nodup
14 14 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.nostrip
6 6 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.noudup
312 242 22.4% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.strip
69 53 23.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.suffixes
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.Download_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.Download_head
123 52 57.7% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.File_ID
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch0_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch0_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch1_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch1_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch2_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch2_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch3_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch3_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch4_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch4_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch5_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch5_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch6_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch6_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch7_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch7_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch8_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch8_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch9_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileBatch9_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileCheck_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileCheck_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileList_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.FileList_head
46 46 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.Upload_foot
1771 848 52.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +def.Upload_head
622 344 44.6% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FastScan.bat
1333 537 59.7% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FCheck.bat
47544 22244 53.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck
1168 357 69.4% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Ansi.bigplanet
303 217 28.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Ansi.default
1121 396 64.6% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Ansi.progress
6443 1778 72.4% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.bigplanet
3983 1320 66.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.default
6548 1770 72.9% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.progress
5746 1762 69.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Iff.bigplanet
6804 1630 76.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Iff.default
5650 1871 66.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Iff.progress
13280 7678 42.1% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +MultiDesc
10876 6843 37.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +ScanDir
73 72 1.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Scandir.config
165201 165201 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +lzx121.lha
999 511 48.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +lzx121.readme
70310 70310 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +mapus134.lha
1132 521 53.9% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +mapus134.readme
110004 110004 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnARJ241_104.lha
1333 717 46.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnARJ241_104.readme
65589 65589 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Unrar201.lha
1267 668 47.2% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Unrar201.readme
131111 131111 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnZip.lha
1495 754 49.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +UnZip.readme
135918 135918 0.0% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Zip.lha
2664 1401 47.4% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Zip.readme
572 341 40.3% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +patched.txt
1464 661 54.8% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +Prefs.info
68964 26401 61.7% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck
2166 1328 38.6% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 +FileCheck.info
489 227 53.5% 08-Jul-98 00:00:00 file_id.diz
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1494192 1051212 29.6% 09-Jul-98 00:02:06 107 files
Contents of comm/bbs/idpfc400.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 716 1496 47.9% -lh5- f29b Jul 8 1998 FileCheck.info
[generic] 1589 2580 61.6% -lh5- 64a9 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/CheckHunks
[generic] 9172 15684 58.5% -lh5- 3ffd Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/ExeDescript
[generic] 33096 53592 61.8% -lh5- 4732 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/LhA
[generic] 36474 63692 57.3% -lh5- dedd Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/LZX
[generic] 9416 17708 53.2% -lh5- b051 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/MAPUS
[generic] 13046 20208 64.6% -lh5- c1da Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/UnARJ
[generic] 31237 55064 56.7% -lh5- 5971 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/UnRAR
[generic] 40168 92992 43.2% -lh5- 84aa Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/UnZIP
[generic] 36261 79176 45.8% -lh5- 5ddc Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/C/ZIP
[generic] 3069 9298 33.0% -lh5- 1dde Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Catalogs/deutsch/FileCheckPrefs.catalog
[generic] 194 427 45.4% -lh5- fcac Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/ComTab/batch_install
[generic] 106 620 17.1% -lh5- d1cb Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/ComTab/FCHECK KILL
[generic] 103 620 16.6% -lh5- a8b1 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/ComTab/FCHECK LIST
[generic] 104 620 16.8% -lh5- 5921 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/ComTab/FCHECK SET
[generic] 105 620 16.9% -lh5- 1101 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/ComTab/FCHECK SHOW
[generic] 3624 14240 25.4% -lh5- f407 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/Catalogs/deutsch.ct
[generic] 3222 13904 23.2% -lh5- e8de Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/Catalogs/FileCheckPrefs.cd
[generic] 7678 13280 57.8% -lh5- 7e26 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/MultiDesc/MultiDesc
[generic] 3415 12011 28.4% -lh5- 7f92 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/MultiDesc/MultiDesc.c
[generic] 316 668 47.3% -lh5- 3331 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/MultiDesc/MultiDesc.project
[generic] 16 16 100.0% -lh0- 066f Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/MultiDesc/SCOPTIONS
[generic] 101 147 68.7% -lh5- 8e07 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Developer/MultiDesc/smakefile
[generic] 656 1464 44.8% -lh5- e9ad Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs.info
[generic] 1762 5746 30.7% -lh5- 7988 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/Data/BigPlanet.iff
[generic] 1630 6804 24.0% -lh5- bfdf Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/Data/Default.iff
[generic] 1871 5650 33.1% -lh5- 2e38 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/Data/Progress.iff
[generic] 17635 50592 34.9% -lh5- b688 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/FileCheck_D.guide
[generic] 917 2066 44.4% -lh5- fa4c Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/FileCheck_D.guide.info
[generic] 7442 20556 36.2% -lh5- 026e Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/FileCheckPrefs_D.guide
[generic] 917 2066 44.4% -lh5- 7964 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Docs/FileCheckPrefs_D.guide.info
[generic] 45 784 5.7% -lh5- 9486 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Fonts/XEN.font
[generic] 1898 3692 51.4% -lh5- ab21 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Fonts/XEN/11
[generic] 1455 2440 59.6% -lh5- b469 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Fonts/XEN/8
[generic] 1483 2284 64.9% -lh5- 6f7e Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Fonts/XEN/9
[generic] 4070 17194 23.7% -lh5- 8a4c Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Install-FileCheck
[generic] 1038 2293 45.3% -lh5- adaa Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Install-FileCheck.info
[generic] 939 1957 48.0% -lh5- a847 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbbatch/Upload/@
[generic] 651 1517 42.9% -lh5- e07e Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.config
[generic] 182 262 69.5% -lh5- 0f42 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.lstrip
[generic] 14 14 100.0% -lh0- 0b40 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.noadd
[generic] 14 14 100.0% -lh0- 0b40 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.nodup
[generic] 14 14 100.0% -lh0- 0b40 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.nostrip
[generic] 6 6 100.0% -lh0- f71e Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.noudup
[generic] 242 312 77.6% -lh5- b80c Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.strip
[generic] 53 69 76.8% -lh5- 11aa Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Config/FileCheck.suffixes
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.Download_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.Download_head
[generic] 52 123 42.3% -lh5- 40c6 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.File_ID
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch0_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch0_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch1_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch1_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch2_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch2_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch3_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch3_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch4_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch4_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch5_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch5_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch6_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch6_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch7_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch7_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch8_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch8_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch9_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileBatch9_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileCheck_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileCheck_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileList_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.FileList_head
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f857 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.Upload_foot
[generic] 848 1771 47.9% -lh5- 7927 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Defines/def.Upload_head
[generic] 344 622 55.3% -lh5- e3e7 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/FastScan.bat
[generic] 537 1333 40.3% -lh5- c809 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/FCheck.bat
[generic] 22244 47544 46.8% -lh5- d0e3 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/FileCheck
[generic] 357 1168 30.6% -lh5- b56d Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/Ansi.bigplanet
[generic] 217 303 71.6% -lh5- 92d1 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/Ansi.default
[generic] 396 1121 35.3% -lh5- bfd6 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/Ansi.progress
[generic] 1778 6443 27.6% -lh5- 34df Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/FileCheck.bigplanet
[generic] 1320 3983 33.1% -lh5- 4493 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/FileCheck.default
[generic] 1770 6548 27.0% -lh5- fbdd Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/FileCheck.progress
[generic] 1762 5746 30.7% -lh5- 7988 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/Iff.bigplanet
[generic] 1630 6804 24.0% -lh5- bfdf Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/Iff.default
[generic] 1871 5650 33.1% -lh5- 2e38 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Languages/Iff.progress
[generic] 7678 13280 57.8% -lh5- 7e26 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/MultiDesc
[generic] 6843 10876 62.9% -lh5- 32af Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/ScanDir
[generic] 72 73 98.6% -lh5- 6130 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/mbeigene/Cannon/FileChecker/Scandir.config
[generic] 165201 165201 100.0% -lh0- 861f Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/lzx121.lha
[generic] 511 999 51.2% -lh5- 839c Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/lzx121.readme
[generic] 70310 70310 100.0% -lh0- 21d7 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/mapus134.lha
[generic] 521 1132 46.0% -lh5- 3f8e Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/mapus134.readme
[generic] 110004 110004 100.0% -lh0- c968 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/UnARJ241_104.lha
[generic] 717 1333 53.8% -lh5- 69bc Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/UnARJ241_104.readme
[generic] 65589 65589 100.0% -lh0- b073 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/Unrar201.lha
[generic] 668 1267 52.7% -lh5- 8d48 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/Unrar201.readme
[generic] 131111 131111 100.0% -lh0- 0b82 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/UnZip.lha
[generic] 754 1495 50.4% -lh5- fa15 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/UnZip.readme
[generic] 135918 135918 100.0% -lh0- be05 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/Zip.lha
[generic] 1401 2664 52.6% -lh5- d81e Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Original-Archives/Zip.readme
[generic] 341 572 59.6% -lh5- 1932 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/patched.txt
[generic] 661 1464 45.2% -lh5- 3fe5 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Prefs.info
[generic] 26401 68964 38.3% -lh5- f669 Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Prefs/FileCheck
[generic] 1328 2166 61.3% -lh5- 1ffc Jul 8 1998 FileCheck/Prefs/FileCheck.info
[generic] 227 489 46.4% -lh5- ed2e Jul 9 1998 file_id.diz
[generic] 2137 7686 27.8% -lh5- 8e7e Jul 9 1998 idpfc400.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 108 files 1053349 1501878 70.1% Jul 9 1998
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