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Short:Transamiga Filelist Creator V1.58
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                      Transamiga CreateFileList V1.58

              written 1994 by Mathias Supp

              Sysop of the Amiga Inside I : ++49(0)721-854112 (ZyX192)
                                            ++49(0)721-841292 (VFC288)
                                            ++49(0)721-841230 (VFC288)

                          Release : 28.01.1995


Copyright :

This program can be copied freely for privat use ONLY.

It's absolutely prohibited to get money in any form for this utility.

Exceptions need my expressly permission.

Exceptions : AmiNet-CD
             Fred Fish Collection


Introduction :

This program was created because of some missing features in Sami's
Filelister (hello Sami, where's SFL3 ? ;-) )

There were no errors by testing TACFl with enforcer and mungwall.

In this version TACfl needs at least 2888 Bytes of stack.


Contents of Archive :
 - TACFl            : the program
 - TACFl_NC         : the program without stack/overflow/...-checking
                      maybe a bit faster :-)
 - TACFl.DOC        : english documentation
 - TACFl.DOK        : german documentation


What does it do ?

Simply creates Filelists :-)

1. complete Filelist
2. Filelist of certain areas
3. Newfileslisting
4. Indexfiles (optionally sorted)

Areas with no files won't be listed.


Parameter :

LISTFILE     : path and name of the filelist you want to create
CONFIGPATH   : path to your TA-configs
               default : bbs:configs/
DAYS         : list files which are given days old (0=file from today !)
               default : list all files
SINCE        : list files since given date (TA-format !!!)
               default : list all files
AREAFLAGS    : list areas with the given flags
               default : list all areas
AREARANGE    : list areas in the given arearange
               format : a-b (list from area a to b)
                        a-  (list from area a to the last)
                        -b  (list from the first area to b)
                        a   (list area a)
               all formats can be used at the same time by using the ","
               for example : AREARANGE=1-5,7,20-,10-13
               default : list all areas
ADDCR        : adds a carriage return to each line for PC lamers ;-)
               default : no carriage return
HEADERFILE   : file to be at the beginning of the listing
               default : no headerfile
BOTTOMFILE   : file to be at the end of the listing
               default : no bottomfile
AREASTAT     : create a statistic after each area
               default : no statistic
COMPLETESTAT : create a complete statistic of all areas
               default : no statistic
CREATEINDEX  : create an UNSORTED(!!) index for TAFreq by Thomas Boerkel
               and/or Filelister by Mathias Supp for VERY HIGH searching
               perfomance; sort the indexfile for use with one of the
               above utilities (e.g. SORT index index.sort)
               default : create NORMAL filelist
SORTINDEX    : create a sorted index for TAFreq/Filelister
               default : do not sort
DELEMPTY     : deletes the recent created filelist if ther're no files
IGNOREENV    : ignore the ENV-variable created by Filelister ?
               default : do not ignore


History :

V1.0   05.05.94 : - first Release, which was to slow in creating a complete
                  - makes enforcer hits
V1.1   09.05.94 : - faster in all operations
                  - all enforcer hits removed
V1.2   25.05.94 : - up to 3 times faster while creating a complete filelist
V1.3   05.06.94 : - creates an unsorted index for TAFreq and Filelister
V1.4   07.06.94 : - optionally create sorted and/or shorted indexes
       08.06.94 : - index will be sorted at the end with quicksort
                    => VERY HIGH speed improvement
V1.41  10.06.94 : - optimized string comparing => half sorting time
V1.42  13.06.94 : - optimized reading of Files.BBS => little faster
V1.5   15.06.94 : - uses data of Filelister v0.42+ when finding his
                    ENV-variable => no reading from disk necessary
                  - "SHORTINDEX"-option removed because there was no
                    use for the long index
V1.52  25.06.94 : - TACFl now doesn't change any more the original variables
                    of Filelister (thanks to Martin for reporting a con-
                    fusing reaction of Filelister)
                  - changed the usage of the file.cfg corresponding to
                    Filelister V0.431+
V1.53  06.07.94 : - because Thomas flamed me to death ( ;-) ) I changed
                    the creating of the filelist when sharing memory with
                    filelister : there will no more be useless spaces at
                    the end of the lines
V1.54  13.07.94 : - fixed a bug that causes a crash of Filelister
V1.55  29.07.94 : - fixed a bug that causes a "freemem error", thanks to
                    Chris for reporting
V1.56  07.08.94 : - double counting of files and bytes when using "days" or
                    "since" fixed
V1.57  08.11.94 : - some lines of the files.bbs in the aminet-cd vol. 4
                    are longer than 100 characters. In this case TACfl
                    crashed sometimes. Thanks to Harald for explicit
V1.58  28.01.95 : - added parameter "DELEMPTY" (see above)


Thanks to :
Thomas Boerkel for the idea of binary-searching
Martin Eitel   for bug-reporting
Chris Qonoey   for bug-reporting
Sami Radwan    for developing/supporting/... Transamiga
Harald Meinzer for bug-reporting

have fun


P.S.:   Sorry for my bad english, but I hope you understood what I mean.

Contents of comm/bbs/TACFl158.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                12896   35820  36.0% -lh5- 14fb Jan 28  1995 TACFl
[generic]                 2388    6561  36.4% -lh5- 8abd Jan 28  1995 TACFl.DOC
[generic]                 2613    7226  36.2% -lh5- 9c61 Jan 28  1995 TACFl.DOK
[generic]                12618   32996  38.2% -lh5- 40a7 Jan 28  1995 TACfl_NC
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files   30515   82603  36.9%            Jan 28  1995
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