**** Main information and program history ****
W.F.M.H. MaxManager is written and copyrighted by Marcin Orlowski.
The test version may be freely distributable in unaltered form without
any special permission.
No responsibility or liability will be accepted for any damage that may
appear to have resulted from use of this program. All use is at your
own risk. The software is provided "as is" without any warranty implied
or otherwise to the fitness or accuracy of the software and
documentation. The author reserves the right to update the software
and/or documentation without notice.
Short info
This tool may be especially useful for all you BBS SysOps, running your
boards on MAX's BBS software. Up to now there was no complex utility
allowing you to keep your whole BBS in order, so if you are looking for
something like this, try the first one: W.F.M.H. Max Manager
Some of the advantages
* *NEW* powerful ARexx port
* flexible MUI based user interface
* completely configurable
* easy import (adding) and export (copying) operations
* powerful section editor
* multinode systems support
* fully featured edit file function
* various system optimizers
* phisically mirrors sections on the disk
* user definable pattern matching
* file hunting
* system statistics
* on-line AmigaGuide based help
* built-in log system
* on-line Bubble Helps
and many more...
Just copy W.F.M.H. MaxManager executable and AmigaGuide online help file
to your most favourite directory and run or better user supplied
installer script (needs Commodore's Installer program, not included in
the archive), which is expected to install all files correctly.
Version information
Up to now, full, uncrippled version of MaxManager was available only
for registered users. From now you can taste its full, pure power completely
for free, but note: WFMH MaxManager is still a SHAREWARE product! If you
like ti and use you are obligged to register (read docs)!
Remember: your donations keep the project alive!
W.F.M.H. MaxManager is a shareware program. You may freely
distribute it as long as all of its files are included in their
original form without additions, deletions or modifications of any
kind, and only a nominal fee is charged for its distribution. It cannot
be distributed as a part of commercial product without author's written
permission. If you like it and use it, the author encourage you to
register. The shareware fee is USA $20. Registered users will be
shipped a disk containing the latest release version of W.F.M.H.
MaxManager. By cooperating with this concept you help to ensure
continued development of this product. Please send your registration
card (Orderform) and money (cash) to address below.
W.F.M.H. MaxManager requires at least MAX's BBS databases to work on
and MUI3.1+ (as it takes adventage of Balancing Groups, Bubble Helps)
to run.
How to register
To register send US$20 or DM30 to the author:
Marcin Orlowski
ul. Radomska 38
71-002 Szczecin
Remember: amount of users of this kind of tool won't rather be greater than
total number of MAX's BBS running worldwide, so if you steal this program
there simply won't be newer version anymore. Just remember: program worth
using is worth buying. Support shareware!
Program history:
- First public release
- Second release - compiled with 68000 codes (sorry for
previous 040 version... :(
- From now MaxManager is MUI3+ requireable!
- Balancing groups added (taste it in main or config window)
- Preferences and config files moved to "Config" subdir
- External support for SleepIcon added
- Fixed bug in MUI notification in EditEntry window
causing MM to break if you pressed enter in Description field
- Progress window is now log window, storing history of your
session. You can open the log window in any time from the
menu. You can save the log or even print it.
- Added user definable patterns (see prefs and PatternMatch)
- I/O functions use now buffered OS calls, which is expected
to increase the I/O performance.
- MoveFiles shouldn't refuse to move files on the disk any more.
- Switchable file list header (Note: overprinting is caused
by MUI's bug, not mine...)
- Hunt pattern may be automatically expanded by MM with #? at
the begining and the end of the pattern to make hunting easier
(of course you may switch this off)
- Added "List only" feature for Hunt causing all matching files
to be logged.
- MM takes usage of AppWindow, so you can drop any WB icon on
the file list to easily change the work directory
- Preferences files are moved to "Config" subdirectory
- SleepIcon added (change "Config/MaxManagerSleep.info"
if you don't like mine.
- User lists attached to the "Uploader" etc. strings
- Added menu "Settings" and its contents (MM prefs call
and MUI prefs call)
- MM checks now if total #of files in filebase is correct
(doesn't check the count of separate sections, yet)
- BubbleHelps available
- EditSection/Apply now works
- If there're deleted files in the base, the Statistics will show you
the amount of bytes taking by those files
- Patterns are now saved in the config file...
- Hunt - GoInLeft, GoInRight buttons allowing you to select the listview
you want to use for future operation of found file.
- Sections are now sorted by name. Unfortunately you can't switch back
to old sorting (by sections' number) for now, but I'll fix this soon.
- Prefs: Saving Sections-2-Drawers-Attachmens will fix changes made to this
part of configuration. There's no undo! Clicking "Cancel" will cancel
all changes except those made in the Sections-2-Drawers part.
- Optimizer: RemoveWithDownCount and RemoveOldFiles optimizers added
- Rename added
- Import: Add-And-Move added.
- Fixed bug causing MM not to find files being located in default file path
- Local Optimizer added. Enter section and click "Optimize" to mess in one
section only.
- SIDE EFFECT: Reenter the section with deleted files to get them grouped
- ARexx port implemented.
- While looking for disk file availability, the DefaultSectionPath
was ommited. Fixed.
- Log window now shares program menus with main.
- Bubble Helps are now switchable.
- Added shortcuts to the Hunt panel (refer docs)
- Right listview slider moved to the right.
- It's now possible to match file comments as well in PatternMatch
while processing file database as well as diskfiles
- Added shortcuts to the PatternMatch shortcuts (refer manual for
- MatchPattern sometimes ignores 1st element on the list. No more.
- Preferences layout changed a bit.
- Removed unnecessary parts of code (program is relatively shorted).
- Added FlushDeleted menu item, allowing you to remove (permanently!)
deleted files without saving whole filebase.
- Fixed serious bug in internal list handling routine, causes MaxManager,
to report errors after removing last added files. It causes edit
errors and other nice things... Fixed of course.
- Improved Prefs/AddNewNew routine. No more well-known and annoying
"« Another node config »:" rubbish.
- Saving program preferences saves Sections2DrawersAttachments as well
- Load/ReloadAttachments now clears all attachments before it starts
to read new.
- Added Prefs/Paths/Attachments/Clr All button allowing you to remove
all attachments with one click.
- Small compiler error causing "Error saving... file may be corrupted"
message to appear every time (even all files were saved correctly)
worked around now.
- Released in uncrippled form. Register if you like it!
How to contact me
If you want to register (hope you will :-), got ideas or just
want to talk, write to:
Marcin Orlowski
ul. Radomska 38
71-002 Szczecin
or send e-mail:
Internet....: carlos@wfmg.man.szczecin.pl
WWW Page....: http://wfmg.man.szczecin.pl
FidoNet.....: 2:481/22.2 (Marcin Orlowski)
GlobalNet...: 52:4800/6 (Marcin Orlowski)
I can be contacted at Silver Dream!'s BBS, where in the section
W.F.M.H. Support you will always find recent version of MaxManager:
Silver Dream!'s BBS: +48 (0)91 540431 (user Marcin Orlowski)
I am sometimes reachable at IRC on #amiga, #amigapl as MR_SOFT