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Short:Mailbox with Fax and XPR Libs FREEWARE!
Author: gmoerth at (Gerhard MOERTH)
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Download:comm/bbs/GMC-BBS-262.lha - View contents

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                  GMC-BBS Version 2.62 Revision 24-07-1997

                         This Software is Freeware!

                          © 1990-1997 G_&_CH_MÖRTH

                           I N T R O D U C T I O N

GMC-BBS is a mailbox-program written for the Commodore AMIGA by Gerhard and
Christine Moerth.

This manual will guide you through the installation and helps you with the
usage of the software.

Generally a "Bulletin Board System" (BBS) is a program which clearly
arranges a lot of notes. This and much more does GMC-BBS. Users also can
read and write private mails or up- and download programs. Every operation
is protected by a security level.

For every area of GMC-BBS (Bulletins Menu, File System, Message Board,
Private Mail, Setup Menu and User Menu) there is a separate security level.
The limits can be set in the configuration file so that only users with the
corresponding security level can use the menus.

                               F E A T U R E S

- Bulletins, messages and files can be arranged in maximal 100 directories
  with unlimited subdirectories. Each directory has it's own security
  level. Directories and subdirectories can contain any number of
  bulletins, messages and files. The limit is only the available disk

- GMC-BBS uses external and internal transfer protocols. At the moment
  "X-modem-checksum"  and  "X-modem-CRC" are integrated. The program
  switches automatically to the protocol of the caller. You can include
  external protocols such as X-modem, Y-modem, Z-modem, Bi-Modem etc.
  which correspond with XPR standard with the configuration file.

- The security level can be individually set for every user. By specific
  placing of security codes it is possible to delegate the service of the

- All serial I/O-routines are optimized by hand for best performance.

- The SysOp can change the time limit, can edit the rights of the
  user online at any time, control, block or release security level,
  printer output, screen output, keyboard input, serial input and output
  as well as sending the output to the printer or save it as file and he
  can cause the immediate logout of a user.

- Usage with keyboard and mouse for the main functions.

- Usergroups with a special info text can be created, time limits and
  the UL/DL Ratio can be given unlimited.

- Different emulations like TTY, TTY+CLS, VT100/ANSI, VT100/ANSI+CLS can
  be set by the user.

- Special characters are accepted. From OS 2.0 on you can use all graphic
  possibilities of the ANSI emulation with an IBM font. It is urgently
  recommended to use kickstart version 2.0 or higher.

- GMC-BBS was written for highest speed, reliability and flexibility.
  Efficient programming technique leads to 100% multitasking use under
  OS 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1. The program was written in C and tested on
  different machines.

- NTSC, PAL resolution and drivers for the serial.device or for internal
  modems are configured in the TOOL-TYPES or set as parameters when the
  program starts.

- The serial.device can be released to use other terminal programs without
  restarting GMC-BBS. You can switch the mailbox to "not ready" e.g. to
  backup your hard disk. During this time there will be no access on the
  hard disk or floppy disk.

- Internal, external modems and highspeed modems are supported perfectly
  (e.g. higher DTE speed between computer and modem which allows data

- Fax call detection and transmission to external fax programs is possible.
  At the moment ready scripts for Multifax (TKR) and TrapFax (Village
  Tronic) are included. If your modem has no fax detection or your fax
  software cannot handle an existing line (shared mode +FCON) you can also
  connect an external fax switch.

- Freely to configure and expand.

- Multitasking will not be effected. You can do whatever you want, GMC-BBS
  runs as a autonomous program and is programmed correctly.
  NOTE: There cannot be enough RAM.

- Built in timer for parking the harddisk automatically.

- Built in timer for periodically loading of the system time. The system
  time is checked and even the program will be stopped because suggestive
  working is not possible without correct time.

- Online packing of files for download can be used by every user (e.g. LHA,
  LZH, ZOO, ARC, ...). After packing is finished the user gets a message.

- The flashing power LED shows you, if you had user in your mailbox.
  Display to show how many mailbox calls or fax calls came in or how many
  New User joined as a member.

- Call Back function (A given number will be dialed immediately after the

- If the configuration of the modem is faulty the respective line will be
  printed which is very useful for correction. Slow modems are supported as
  well as fast modems.

- Integrated free adjustable up- and download ratio which can be effective
  on the number of files or bytes.

- Automatic line break in the chat mode.

- Automatic modem report and protocol of the user action as well as the
  chat in an file is possible.

                    S Y S T E M   R E Q U I R E M E N T S

This hardware will be required:

 - AMIGA 500/600/1000/1200/2000/2500/3000/4000/CDTV/CD32

 - 2 MB RAM

 - Harddisk or 2 Diskdrives

 - Modem (For testing and configuration you need no modem)
         If no modem is connected or the modem doesn't support the baud
         rate of the DTE_Speed the serial.device will be set OFF.

 - Kickstart 1.2/1.3/2.0/3.0/3.1
             It is urgently recommended to use at least kickstart 2.0
             otherwise you cannot use the program EEU.PRG External User.

 - PAL/NTSC monitor drivers must be installed.

This hardware will be supported:

 - Memoryboards
   NOTE: 512 kB memoryboards between $C00000 and $C7FFFF as used in older
         A2000A or A500 models are neither chip nor fast ram. With those
         memoryboards it can happen that the program has a malfunction or

 - Turboboards

 - Harddisks

 - AMIGA diskdrives of any size (CD-ROM, ZIP too)

 - I/O cards

 - modems with AT commands (also internal modems, X2 modems or ISDN
   modems are possible)

 - printers (parallel + serial)

No support:

 - graphic boards
   Sorry there is no support for graphic boards of any kind. As the program
   was coded in times of kickstart 1.3 and I don't see an urgent need until
   now this was not implemented yet.

Contents of comm/bbs/GMC-BBS-262.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  775    1233  62.9% -lh5- 7d88 Jul 26  1997
[generic]                 1479    6059  24.4% -lh5- f001 Jul 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/bbs.config
[generic]                  306     525  58.3% -lh5- d295 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                99064  388676  25.5% -lh5- 2959 Jul 25  1997 gmc-bbs-262/bbs.prg
[generic]                22900   67175  34.1% -lh5- 65fb Jul 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Bulletins_Menu/BBS.guide_d.txt
[generic]                19725   59322  33.3% -lh5- 5161 Jul 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Bulletins_Menu/BBS.guide_e.txt
[generic]                  296    1610  18.4% -lh5- 45bd Jan  2  1980 GMC-BBS-262/Bulletins_Menu/DL-GMC.displayme
[generic]                  423    1224  34.6% -lh5- 9e3e Jan  3  1980 GMC-BBS-262/Bulletins_Menu/Sys-Info.displayme
[generic]                  802    1233  65.0% -lh5- 00b0 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                25702   84500  30.4% -lh5- 9988 Jul 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/
[generic]                  459     891  51.5% -lh5- 2ad5 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/
[generic]                  350     567  61.7% -lh5- b58a Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/
[generic]                  772    1233  62.6% -lh5- 4db2 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/
[generic]                 1028    1964  52.3% -lh5- fb6a Oct 21  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/Guest.Text
[generic]                  647     741  87.3% -lh5- 5d56 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  159     750  21.2% -lh5- 129b Apr 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/Info.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- 4c52 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  519     985  52.7% -lh5- 72a6 Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/Join.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- d55a Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  604    1067  56.6% -lh5- 02b3 Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/Joined.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- 7f91 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  297    2935  10.1% -lh5- b56d Apr 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/Logoff.Text
[generic]                  652     741  88.0% -lh5- 19bf Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  371    1173  31.6% -lh5- 7be5 Apr 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/Logon.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- bee0 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  236     359  65.7% -lh5- a27b Jan 14  1993 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/MailboxReady.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- 84ef Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  179     334  53.6% -lh5- b1f3 Oct 21  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/NewUser.Text
[generic]                  647     741  87.3% -lh5- afb1 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  430     871  49.4% -lh5- 783a Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/
[generic]                  718    1233  58.2% -lh5- a394 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/
[generic]                 1665    6780  24.6% -lh5- c3f6 May  4  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/BM_Help.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- 61bf Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                 2357    9866  23.9% -lh5- 0a80 May  4  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/FS_Help.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- 811e Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1703    6895  24.7% -lh5- 125d May  4  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/MB_Help.Text
[generic]                  647     741  87.3% -lh5- 3d81 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                 2373    7738  30.7% -lh5- 58f1 Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/MM_Help.Text
[generic]                  649     741  87.6% -lh5- 83df Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                  949    3221  29.5% -lh5- 559d Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/PM_Help.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- b85e Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1885    6207  30.4% -lh5- f7e7 Jul 10  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/SM_Help.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- c4a0 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1313    4902  26.8% -lh5- 7ca4 Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/UM_Help.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- d798 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Deutsch/Help_Text/
[generic]                33859   65760  51.5% -lh5- 5842 Dec 29  1992 GMC-BBS-262/Devs/narrator.device
[generic]                16702   47912  34.9% -lh5- c389 Jul  9  1997 gmc-bbs-262/eeu.prg
[generic]                  801    1233  65.0% -lh5- e398 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                22333   76556  29.2% -lh5- 4713 Jul 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/
[generic]                  459     891  51.5% -lh5- 2ad5 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/
[generic]                  354     568  62.3% -lh5- 9a50 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/
[generic]                  772    1233  62.6% -lh5- 4db2 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/
[generic]                  807    1574  51.3% -lh5- 778d Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/Guest.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- f6b2 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  149     750  19.9% -lh5- 6973 Apr 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/Info.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- 4c52 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  398     787  50.6% -lh5- fd70 Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/Join.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- d55a Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  524     931  56.3% -lh5- 7283 Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/Joined.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- 7f91 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  297    2935  10.1% -lh5- b56d Apr 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/Logoff.Text
[generic]                  652     741  88.0% -lh5- 19bf Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  371    1173  31.6% -lh5- 7be5 Apr 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/Logon.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- bee0 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  196     297  66.0% -lh5- 9c1d Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/MailboxReady.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- 84ef Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  145     279  52.0% -lh5- 88e9 Jun 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/NewUser.Text
[generic]                  647     741  87.3% -lh5- afb1 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/BBS_Text/
[generic]                  431     872  49.4% -lh5- 9122 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/
[generic]                  718    1233  58.2% -lh5- a394 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/
[generic]                 1252    5505  22.7% -lh5- 6b31 May  4  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/BM_Help.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- 61bf Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1830    8265  22.1% -lh5- 98f0 May  4  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/FS_Help.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- 811e Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1313    5652  23.2% -lh5- d268 May  4  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/MB_Help.Text
[generic]                  647     741  87.3% -lh5- 3d81 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1970    6615  29.8% -lh5- 05ff Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/MM_Help.Text
[generic]                  649     741  87.6% -lh5- 83df Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                  739    2715  27.2% -lh5- 7a51 Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/PM_Help.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- b85e Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1448    5074  28.5% -lh5- 093a Jul 10  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/SM_Help.Text
[generic]                  648     741  87.4% -lh5- c4a0 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                 1040    4127  25.2% -lh5- b4e9 Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/UM_Help.Text
[generic]                  650     741  87.7% -lh5- d798 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/English/Help_Text/
[generic]                  126     299  42.1% -lh5- 8225 Jun 19  1995 GMC-BBS-262/File_System/File.doc
[generic]                  135     309  43.7% -lh5- 78ca Jun 19  1995 GMC-BBS-262/File_System/File.dok
[generic]                 3208    7024  45.7% -lh5- aa8f Jul 26  1997 GMC-BBS-262/GMC-BBS-262.readme
[generic]                 1138    1648  69.1% -lh5- 2ff5 Jul 22  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Icons/
[generic]                  777    1233  63.0% -lh5- ff82 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Icons/
[generic]                 2591    9175  28.2% -lh5- cce4 Jul 27  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Install
[generic]                 1037    1903  54.5% -lh5- e8e8 Jul 27  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                 5715   10524  54.3% -lh5- 479f Dec 29  1992 GMC-BBS-262/Libs/translator.library
[generic]                10342   18236  56.7% -lh5- f94f Jan 14  1993 GMC-BBS-262/Libs/xprbimodem.library
[generic]                 8512   15048  56.6% -lh5- a2fb Jan 14  1993 GMC-BBS-262/Libs/xprymodem.library
[generic]                14011   23356  60.0% -lh5- 5f5f Feb 18  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Libs/xprzmodem.library
[generic]                10654   18060  59.0% -lh5- cc06 Nov  7  1992 GMC-BBS-262/Libs/xprzmodem32k.library
[generic]                  125     302  41.4% -lh5- c100 Jun 19  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Message_Board/Message.doc
[generic]                  130     307  42.3% -lh5- 10f4 Jun 19  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Message_Board/Message.dok
[generic]                 3063    7916  38.7% -lh5- a5ba Jun 19  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Message_Board/smilies
[generic]                  393     786  50.0% -lh5- 8eae Jun 30  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Private_Mail/005.005
[generic]                  193     435  44.4% -lh5- cb8a Jun 30  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Private_Mail/Info
[generic]                  804    1233  65.2% -lh5- 980f Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                  122     160  76.2% -lh5- 2279 Apr 23  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/FAX_Receive.script
[generic]                  228     461  49.5% -lh5- b4a8 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                  143     246  58.1% -lh5- 94a8 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/HD_Boot.script
[generic]                  228     461  49.5% -lh5- 32b5 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                  143     177  80.8% -lh5- 2507 Jun 25  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/HD_Park.script
[generic]                  232     461  50.3% -lh5- 2d28 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                  140     176  79.5% -lh5- b27e Jun 25  1995 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/HD_UnPark.script
[generic]                  232     461  50.3% -lh5- 5372 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   15      15 100.0% -lh0- 6f15 Apr 20  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/No_Ring.script
[generic]                  230     461  49.9% -lh5- ac6d Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                  296     750  39.5% -lh5- 8677 Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/PF.script
[generic]                  230     461  49.9% -lh5- 8ed6 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   50      51  98.0% -lh5- f994 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_00.script
[generic]                  228     461  49.5% -lh5- d4d6 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- bc76 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_BBS.script
[generic]                  231     461  50.1% -lh5- fa38 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   49      52  94.2% -lh5- ed76 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_CSN.script
[generic]                  230     461  49.9% -lh5- 2997 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   50      52  96.2% -lh5- ec11 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_CSY.script
[generic]                  230     461  49.9% -lh5- 5ac1 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 330c Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_DL.script
[generic]                  232     461  50.3% -lh5- 5f70 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   50      51  98.0% -lh5- 3e23 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_ES.script
[generic]                  228     461  49.5% -lh5- 9e3c Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   58      59  98.3% -lh5- 34a4 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_FAX.script
[generic]                  229     461  49.7% -lh5- 8fee Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   50      51  98.0% -lh5- e6a3 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_GB.script
[generic]                  232     461  50.3% -lh5- 3a86 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 7f9d Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_JM.script
[generic]                  228     461  49.5% -lh5- 9d08 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   48      51  94.1% -lh5- 9822 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_MS.script
[generic]                  233     461  50.5% -lh5- dd52 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- cca6 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_PF.script
[generic]                  231     461  50.1% -lh5- 9561 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      53  96.2% -lh5- 4234 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_Ring.script
[generic]                  231     461  50.1% -lh5- 3100 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   50      51  98.0% -lh5- d59d Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_RM.script
[generic]                  226     461  49.0% -lh5- 6637 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- d450 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_RP.script
[generic]                  231     461  50.1% -lh5- 3116 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- f3cc Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_UL.script
[generic]                  229     461  49.7% -lh5- dfc1 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   49      51  96.1% -lh5- ea5d Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_WM.script
[generic]                  231     461  50.1% -lh5- 3e51 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- eb90 Jul 21  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/Sound_WP.script
[generic]                  232     461  50.3% -lh5- 2b44 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Scripts/
[generic]                  765    1233  62.0% -lh5- 2d83 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                 7978    8952  89.1% -lh5- ea57 Jan 21  1980 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/00.8svx
[generic]                  232     380  61.1% -lh5- fcab Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                21278   30692  69.3% -lh5- 60cd Jan  1  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/BBS.8svx
[generic]                  233     380  61.3% -lh5- f80c Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                 8252    9856  83.7% -lh5- fd69 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/CSN.8svx
[generic]                  230     380  60.5% -lh5- b1b2 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                14985   17052  87.9% -lh5- 4959 Dec 28  1993 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/CSY.8svx
[generic]                  235     380  61.8% -lh5- 1379 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                21158   29130  72.6% -lh5- 9bdb May 23  1991 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/DL.8svx
[generic]                  235     380  61.8% -lh5- f95a Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                50209   90424  55.5% -lh5- 0ac1 Feb 20  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/ES.8svx
[generic]                  231     380  60.8% -lh5- 3c36 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                20092   28708  70.0% -lh5- fc7e Jan  1  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/FAX.8svx
[generic]                  234     380  61.6% -lh5- 361a Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                20330   24212  84.0% -lh5- 8b60 Sep 16  1992 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/GB.8svx
[generic]                  236     380  62.1% -lh5- 2cd1 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                 6526    9530  68.5% -lh5- d912 Oct 18  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/JM.8svx
[generic]                  234     380  61.6% -lh5- 6861 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                 8515   11464  74.3% -lh5- 414e Oct 18  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/MS.8svx
[generic]                  232     380  61.1% -lh5- 948c Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                28984   55016  52.7% -lh5- 0332 Oct  6  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/PF.8svx
[generic]                  235     380  61.8% -lh5- 5b8f Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                13335   22934  58.1% -lh5- c60d Dec 31  1993 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/Ring.8svx
[generic]                  232     380  61.1% -lh5- 95fd Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                 8767   15992  54.8% -lh5- 81cb Sep 20  1992 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/RM.8svx
[generic]                  232     380  61.1% -lh5- da8a Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                22184   28188  78.7% -lh5- 7c4f Jun  7  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/RP.8svx
[generic]                  237     380  62.4% -lh5- 74ec Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                65458   84722  77.3% -lh5- 8814 Sep 21  1992 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/UL.8svx
[generic]                  233     380  61.3% -lh5- 485b Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                31627   41882  75.5% -lh5- dcc7 Nov 25  1991 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/WM.8svx
[generic]                  235     380  61.8% -lh5- 9559 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                19033   22510  84.6% -lh5- 84c3 Dec 28  1993 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/WP.8svx
[generic]                  234     380  61.6% -lh5- 7122 Jun  7  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Sounds/
[generic]                 5978   11616  51.5% -lh5- 90b6 Dec 29  1992 GMC-BBS-262/System/DSound
[generic]                 2108    3208  65.7% -lh5- 2aa1 Jul 14  1997 GMC-BBS-262/System/SCSISwitch
[generic]                 8660    9020  96.0% -lh5- 2949 Jul 24  1995 GMC-BBS-262/System/XPRD
[generic]                 1198    1198 100.0% -lh0- 76f2 Apr 25  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Temp/PF1.LHA
[generic]                  737    1233  59.8% -lh5- 1b01 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                  656    3333  19.7% -lh5- c084 Jul 27  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Utilities/BugReport
[generic]                  230     461  49.9% -lh5- d938 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Utilities/
[generic]                  235     380  61.8% -lh5- d709 Apr 23  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Utilities/FAX_Receive.script
[generic]                  230     461  49.9% -lh5- 1d86 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Utilities/
[generic]                  131     185  70.8% -lh5- d191 Feb  6  1994 GMC-BBS-262/Utilities/Receive.mfx
[generic]                  231     461  50.1% -lh5- ce76 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/Utilities/
[generic]                  820    1233  66.5% -lh5- a8d1 Jul 24  1997 GMC-BBS-262/
[generic]                 9601   26560  36.1% -lh5- ed31 Jan 14  1993 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/xprbimodem.doc
[generic]                  337    1096  30.7% -lh5- 1848 Jul 21  1995 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/
[generic]                 2687    5966  45.0% -lh5- b3fe Jan 14  1993 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/xprymodem.doc
[generic]                  335    1096  30.6% -lh5- 5f9f Jul 21  1995 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/
[generic]                14591   38146  38.3% -lh5- ecfe Feb 18  1995 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/xprzmodem.doc
[generic]                  339    1096  30.9% -lh5- c4b3 Jul 21  1995 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/
[generic]                  161     215  74.9% -lh5- b906 Jul 21  1995 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/xprzmodem32k.doc
[generic]                  333    1096  30.4% -lh5- c7c5 Jul 21  1995 GMC-BBS-262/XPR_Libs/
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 Total       203 files  791222 1714513  46.1%            Aug  8  1997
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