Short:        DX7 & K4 all-dump convertor (bin,src,rexx,example)
Author: (Eli0t of cONTORTIOn)
Uploader:     eliot sci muni cz (Eli0t of cONTORTIOn)
Type:         mus/midi
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


This simple C source handles common DX7(IID) compressed dumps:

raw data without checksum             4096 bytes
raw data + checksum                   4097 bytes

multidumps                            4224 bytes (weirdo!)
                                      5232 bytes

and K4 all-dump                      15114 bytes
+ header                             15123 bytes

and writes out 4104 bytes long message -> just send it into the synth!
              15123 bytes long message (KAWAI K4/K4r) -----||------


             This program is a part of my DX/K4 project
     and all the sources and programs are free without warranty.

Next in the project -> TRITON GUI DX/K4 complex manager

           Kind e-mails to little funny musician welcome!

Future: 8MED SYSEX format reading and transforming ;^) (yeah Teijo, that one!)


I can't support synths I have NOT! If ya want to support one
of yours, send it to me ;)
                                              (it was a joke!)


Regards: Bjorn Lynne, Alister Brimble, Urban Mueller, Teijo Kinnunen,
Kari-Pekka Koljonen, all the cONTORTIOn members, all my friends...

Special hellos: Urban Umueller, Matthias Scheler
