Short:        Korg i-Series/X-Series song
Author:       The Shamen
Uploader:     craftbro midicraft demon co uk
Type:         mus/midi
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Actual Name: Ebeneezer Goode
Arrangement by: The Craft Brothers/MIDICraft
Requirements: Korg i-Series or X-Series Workstation

Eneneezer Goode by the  Shamen   in    Korg    i-Series format (i1, i2,
i3, i4S, i5S and i5M).. The .SNG  and  .PCG  Files  are also compatible
with the Korg X-Series Workstations..  The   Song's  accompanied  by  a
PCG D bank which contains 64 x Progs and  2  x  User  Kits. You have to
copy these files to a 720K  formatted  MSDOS   disk,  put  the  disk in
one of the i-Series and or X-Series internal disk drives, use the "LOAD
ALL" option, then play loud :-)..

    Listing of archive EBENEEZR.LHA
    Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
       14255    6718 52.8% 28-Nov-96 16:47:36  EBENEEZR.PCG
        1451     779 46.3% 28-Nov-96 16:47:36  EBENEEZR.ReadMe
       41398    5415 86.9% 28-Nov-96 16:47:36  EBENEEZR.SNG
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
       57104   12912 77.3% 28-Nov-96 16:47:52   3 files

This song and much more is featured at our WWW Home Page site:-)

Emailers and Web site visitors welcome..

Cheers, Kevan R.Craft and Gareth R.Craft of MIDICraft..

Keep the faith, don't let the Amiga die..