Short:        A Comprehensive Yamha TG300 Patch Editor
Author: (Sheun Olatunbosun)
Uploader:     sheun soi city ac uk (Sheun Olatunbosun)
Type:         mus/midi
Version:      1.0
Requires:     OS2.04+, midi.library
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Relaces:      mus/midi/TG300pe1.lha

                             Version 1.4

                       Yamaha TG300 Patch Editor
                            for the Amiga

                        © Copyright 1998, 1999
                          Sheun  Olatunbosun

This is the ultimate TG300 patch editor for the Amiga. Owners of XG units such 
as the DB50XG or MU10 should be able to use it, but they must have their unit 
set to TG300B mode emulation.

   - Intuitive/custom GUI (quick response)
   - System, Part, Voice, Drum, Effect editing
   - Fully named program, drum, effect lists
   - Suspend operation
   - Intuitive GUI layout
   - Retargettable MIDI ports
   - Snapshot facility
   - MIDI port reconfigure
   - Load/save patches

   - Workbench 2.04
   - midi.library

Without an external sound unit, the patch edittor is of little use, unless
you want to look at the gorgeous interface :-).

Check out the patches to hear the true potential of a TG300 synth.

        Sheun Olatunbosun 10-1-99