Short:        Protracker 2.3d rewritten (beta 2)
Author:       Per Johansson , Timm Müller , Ronald Hof
Uploader:     amigan comhem se (Per Johansson)
Type:         mus/edit
Version:      0.20
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

Welcome to Protracker V2.3d (beta 2)

This software preservation work of Protracker is made by:
- Per Johansson - Most of the tracker-part, and ptplay-bugfixing
- Ronald Hof - Initial work of tracker-part & ptplay-routine.
- Timm Müller - Initial work of tracker-part & ptplay-routine.

First question, why?

- I have to quote seinfeld on this. "Why not???". People are spending so much time on watching
crap on TV or other stuff. I on the other hand, waste some of my spare-time on this. The good thing
is that i keep practising my coding-skills. Beside it is very cheap therapy. ;)

So, how much functionality is there?

- Well, enough to get started i think. It is possible to make music. For me it is quite stable aswell.

Below is a list of features from off the top of my head.

And if you appreciate my work, please feel free to write a nice email.

If you make anything by using this, please send it to me, so i can collect it on my
website. Feel free to contact me for anything.

Email: amigan()

Remember, Have fun!

\Per Johansson

Things that is working:
Click F12 to swap amiga-mode (separate left - right channels) and mixed mode
(can be done while playing module)

Disk Op.
Insert pattern
Delete pattern
All arrows up/down except Length (increase, decrease sample-length)
Toggle-channels on/off
Write module/song-name
Write sample-name
Change tempo
Load sample (loads from sample-disks, such as st-01:bassdrum)
Most features regarding pattern-editing is finished.

Space=Edit pattern
F1=Low octaves
F2=High octaves
F6-F10=Pattern positions, shift+ctrl+alt
Enter=All combinations (play note and go down,insert note, remove note) shift+ctrl+alt
Backspace=All combinations as above
shift,ctrl,alt+cursor right
shift,ctrl,alt+cursor left
<=silence of sound
right amiga
right alt
right shift
shift,alt+del=delete note
Most keys on the numeric keyboard.
lamiga+1,2,q,w,a,s,z,x,3,4,e,r,d,f,c,v = transpose
shift+tab = move cursor backward
ctrl+a = Toggle channel on/off
ctrl+b = Mark block
ctrl+c = Copy block to buffer
ctrl+d = Delete block, drag notes up
ctrl+f  = Toggle amiga-filter on/off
ctrl+j = Join-paste block
ctrl+m = Toggle metronome on/off
ctrl+p = Paste block
ctrl+q = Unmute all channels
ctrl+u = Undo last change
ctrl+x = Cut block to buffer

alt+c = Toggle channel 3
alt+d = Go to DiskOP
alt+q = Quit
alt+v = Toggle channel 4
alt+x = Toggle channel 2
alt+z = Toggle channel 1
alt+shift+m - set metrochannel ej klar
And ofcourse all keyboard-notes for playing / recording

DiskOP - screen
Load module (only unpacked)
Save module (only unpacked)
Load song (only unpacked)
Save song (only unpacked)
Load sample
Save sample (Iff or Raw)
Load Track (cur pos, or to buf)
Save Track (cur pos, or to buf)
Load Pattern (cur pos, or to buf)
Save Pattern (cur pos, or to buf)
Toggle path, parent, exit

Sampler - screen
Play - waveform
Play - display
Play - range
Show range
Show all
Range all
Loop on/off
Select beginning
Select end
Swap buffer
Selection of range
Unlimited zoom
Dragging of loop-pointers
Moving sample-position line, while playing sample. (one for each channel if more is playing simultaneously)