Short:        An arexx-toolbar for SoundFX. Needs AWN-Pipe.
Author:       Edgar Schwan
Uploader:     Edgar Schwan
Type:         mus/edit
Version:      1.0
Requires:     m68k-amigaos >= 2.1.0 , AWN-Pipe , of course SoundFX
Architecture: generic

This arexx-script adds a moveable toolbar to SoundFX, where you can choose
the loader, the saver, the operator and select and launch an arexx-script.

So you say 'nothing new here'? This is correct. The reason to create it
was, that on my System (AmigaOne/OS4) SoundFX 4.3 crashes, when selecting a
dropdown-gadget to change these settings. Some other people told me, that they
have the same problem. With this toolbar SoundFX is usable again!

Advantages of MySFXToolbar:

- Does not crash ;-)

- Moveable - remembers last position after restart.

- Easy to extent.

- Easy to install

- Full integrated into SoundFX.

- Localized (german, english)

Please notice, that SoundFX should be started by clicking on
so the toolbar is started automatically. After installation it is located in

You need the AWN-Pipe to use this script. Latest version can be found at:

SoundFX can be found at:

Have fun!