Short:        Versailles Waltz 6ch by HKvalhe
Author: (Helge Kvalheim
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/8voic
Requires:     68k/PPC-Amiga, AHI, all MED/OctaMED libs, latest Hippo/OctaMEDPlayer, OMSS v1.03c
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

Versailles Waltz @ 2019 by Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe
Versailles Waltz is a beautiful, 6-channel TRUE Amiga track
of a French Royal-like Waltz, to honor the Palace Of Versailles.

Waltz is something I never have done before on my AmigaOne 500
using OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c and the 16-bit Stereo RIFF WAVE
Walkabout Music Samples for the composition, which is done
completely by myself - Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe from Norway.

Versailles Waltz is the THIRD of my 13 Amiga mods that is part of
my Samplicity collection, and is a track I have spent a couple of
days to both compose and finetune the end result.

This is probably one of the nicest Waltz I have heard made
on the Amiga. The 6-channels have been used very well
during the composition, and a volume boost of 220.

A somewhat upgraded Amiga 500 should easily play a
6-channel tune like this with OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c
or the latest OctaMEDPlayer supporting the Mix mode, and
if you run Paula in 14 bit, it should sound really good.

Otherwise, the absolute minimum recommendation is always a
standard Amiga 1200 with some FastMem, and Paula in 14-bit,
but you get the best possible quality with either a Vampire 080
system or preferable a PPC system like SAM460ex or X1000/X5000
with a 24-bit soundcard, which is always the case with multi-track songs.

I'm very proud of the result of this unique Waltz track, so I would like
to give a message to anyone whom doubted my "music skills":

Many of you thought I wouldn't be able to compose good Amiga music,
despite the fact that I'm not really a musican at all. But here you have the
proof that I'm fully capable of composing great Amiga music, if you only
listen carefully to the rhythm you want to have in a song, and a good 
understanding of what the several OctaMED commands do.

Since I have been doing this for a good couple of years now,
I have come to get a really good understanding of the different
OctaMED commands, and trained my ears to listen more carefully.

So for anyone whom doubted me about my music, I can say

Now enjoy this fine Waltz. Find a woman, play this tune and 
dance some serious Waltz with her. She'll be grateful for it ;)

Amiga version composed by Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe