Short:        Christmas Theme 16bit 6ch by HKvalhe
Author:       helgekvalheim gmail com (Helge Kvalheim)
Uploader:     helgekvalheim gmail com (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/8voic
Requires:     68k/PPC-Amiga, AHI, all MED/OctaMED libs, latest Hippo/OctaMEDPlayer, OMSS v1.03c
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

Santa Shoemaker @ 2023 by Helge Kvalheim (HKvalhe)
Santa Shoemaker is a beautiful 6ch recreation of the
ORIGINAL music score from the XMas mini-serie of
the 80s, by the Norwegian legend Henki Kolstad.
Only 1 minute and 25 seconds long but contains
the full melody of Santa Shoemaker. Composed by
me - Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe from Norway,
hard of hearing, using my AmigaOne X5000/20
running the NSM patched version of OctaMED
SoundStudio v1.03c, with latest PPC version of
TheMaestrix AHI tool and high quality Walkabout
Music stereo samples. Dedicated to Henki Kolstad.

Especially children should enjoy this sweet XMas song!
It's short but really nice one! MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone!

Original score from "Jul I Skomakergata"
Amiga version composed by Helge Kvalheim (HKvalhe)