Short:        8ch In Time For Christmas by HKvalhe
Author: (Helge Kvalheim
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/8voic
Requires:     68k/PPC-Amiga, AHI, all MED/OctaMED libs, latest Hippo/OctaMEDPlayer, OMSS v1.03c
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

In Time For Christmas @ 2018 By Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe
In Time For Christmas is a brand new 8-channel Ambient Amiga track
with beautiful pizzicato, choir and guitar play! Very atmospheric!

Some might feel that the rhythm is going a little over and over again,
but at the same time, it feels modern and truly Ambient that way!

It's certainly a unique Christmas track and hope you'll like it!

A whole day has been spent on composing this track on 21th of December 2018!

So here it is, In Time For Christmas!

Amiga version composed by Helge Kvalheim