Short:        Dungeon 2021 v2 5ch by HKvalhe
Author: (Helge Kvalheim
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/8voic
Requires:     68k/PPC-Amiga, AHI, all MED/OctaMED libs, latest Hippo/OctaMEDPlayer, OMSS v1.03c
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

Dungeon 2021 V2 Lv4 by Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe
Dungeon 2021 V2 - The Creepy Edition, is a new 5ch far
darker and more creepy Amiga version of the new Lv4
track for the Dungeon level in the Ninja Remix game,
composed by me - Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe on my
Update 2 Hotfix upgraded AmigaOne 500 aka SAM460ex,
running the NSM patched version of OctaMED SoundStudio
v1.03c, a brand new version of TheMaestrix AHI tool and 16-bit
stereo samples from the ST collection. Worked on it for few days!

The unique intro is a little more than 1 minute, if not mistaken, 
while the tune itself is more than 2 minute long, making the track
nearly 3 1/2 minute long totally! Since the Dungeon level is a short
level itself, it's logic that the tune itself is short, matching the level,
so hope that LN fans will feel that this track adds new atmosphere
to the level. The rhythm is unique. Adopted a very dark Arpeggigo style!

Enjoy the new Dungeon 2021 V2 track while you play the Dungeon level!

Amiga version composed by Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe