Archive note: see next issue for correction to this one. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || -News and Rumors- / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter) BACK FOR THE FUTURE || ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 980116 A L P H A P O W E R E D A M I G A ? A M I G A P P C M A I L I N G L I S T T H E G A T E W A Y C O M P U T E R S H O W G R O W S ! " D O O M " F O R T H E A M I G A . . . . . . A N D " Q U A K E " , T O O ! A I R M A I L P R O V 2 . 0 A W E B - I I H A S J A V A ! A M I N E T L I V E S - D O N ' T P A N I C L O T U S P A C I F I C & 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 A M I G A S N E W S F R O M V U L C A N T H E " A M I G A I N F O R M E R " A N N E X ! Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: Articles of all sizes this time - from very short to quite long. And all of them have interesting things to tell you, some of them very significant. I can remember when PC bigots, with little understanding of computer power, declaimed that the Amiga "could never run a game like "DOOM!" Well, there have been many copies since then, and they run fine. It's been far too long coming, but now the real thing is available in the Public Domain for Amigas. It runs just as well as the copies, if anyone had any doubts. Not just "Doom", but "Quake" (the original version) is being Amiga-tized. Read all about it below. Probably more significant than either game is the first use of Java on the Amiga that we know about. The latest version of AWeb-II has it, and has been rather modest about the fact. We help them toot their horn below. And then, there's the matter of porting Amiga OS to the immensely fast and powerful Alpha chip from DEC. We start this issue with the "white paper" published by HiQ, who have made this a project. Lots of interesting reading for our first issue of the new year! Enjoy! And we wish you all continuing enjoyment in the new year! Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A L P H A P O W E R E D A M I G A ? HiQ "Alpha Project" White Paper For Immediate release 8th January 1998 HiQ is pleased to announce "Project Alpha" which is an ongoing project to integrate the Amiga system with the Alpha processor. Already we are at stage one, the Siamese RTG Software v2.5 which is Alpha and PC compatible. Following on from this we are determined to see the AmigaOS ported fully to this powerful chip over the coming 18 months whilst retaining backward compatibility. For those who have not heard about the Siamese System please check out our web site at The "Project Alpha" plan of action is as follows. Stage one. Shipping Now! Siamese RTG System v2.5 links existing Amigas via Ethernet to any Alpha machine including the new range supplied by HiQ For those who have not heard about the Siamese system please check out our web site at Stage two. Shipping Q1 1998. Supplying Alphas to Amiga and Ex Amiga owning customers with one of the following optional additions, or supplying existing Alpha users with these products:- (a) Adding the Siamese RTG System v2.5 and an Ethernet connection kit to join the already owned Amiga and Alpha in a seamless link. (b) Adding the "Access" Amiga units from Index Information ltd, which are complete Amigas in a 5.25" drive bay, linked via internal Ethernet to the Alpha/PC and giving the Digital Video based Alpha access to the Amigas Analogue Video system to create a combined Analogue / Digital Video hybrid system. (c) Supply an additional Amiga Computer system for the US Video Toaster market if not already owned, to create the ultimate NTSC Video and 3D studio system with the accent on integration. (d) Supply Amiga Forever as a free add on to encourage the ex Amiga owning Alpha customer back to the Amiga once more. This will give the performance of around a 50mhz 68030 based Amiga. Once they grow accustomed to the Amiga way of doing things they can upgrade to Stage three. Stage Three In final development, but taking advanced orders now. Shipping in Q2-Q3. Designed around the "Inside Out" PCI based Amiga on a card from Index Information ltd and the Siamese RTG v3.0 Software from HiQ Limited and Paul Nolan, this System would create the ultimate Amiga and Alpha combined Multi-OS machine on the planet and all "Powered By Amiga". Amiga Features include:- * Full Amiga 680x0 backward compatibility with AmigaOS v2.1+. * On board Amiga AGA chip set running up to 30% faster than existing chip set. * Motorola 68040 or 68060 onboard with speeds up to 75mhz, depending on Chip used. * Amiga PCI card design gives access to PCI bus on PC/Alpha motherboard. * Supports all PCI, ISA and USB ports as well as standard ports. * Communication between Amiga processor and Alpha/PC chip and PCI boards is at PCI bus speeds. * Amiga gets access to the latest high speed graphics cards and can use the latest drivers. * Amiga gets full blown OpenGL 3D graphics. * Amiga gets Mpeg, AVI, Quicktime etc. Video. * Amiga has access to low cost, less than 200 in price, Digital video Recording cards. * Amiga gets 16bit Sound and access to Wave Audio system at last via AHI. * The Amiga can run Macintosh software on high speed graphics cards. * The new Amiga Integrates seamlessly with the WindowsNT operating system to create a robust and easy to use Amiga / Macintosh / Windows system. * Alpha speed available at up to 767mhz by Quarter two. * Alpha/PC gets an Amiga Video slot to run the Video Toaster direct from the Alpha/PC. * Truly a Multi-OS and Multi Processor system for the first time. * 680x0 based Macintosh users can get a huge performance increase and migrate to NT. * This system is running NOW over Ethernet in stage 1, and this will be a True "One Box Solution". Stage 4 AmigaOS to Alpha Porting Plan. Starts Q2 We aim to Launch the "Project Alpha" porting plans as soon as we ship stage three, this is because it starts the entire ball rolling with the first goal of creating an Alpha that is fully backward compatible with the Amiga. Once the Amiga is ported it will leap frog any other Processor in one jump. Obviously the main advantage of this route is that the user has a machine that can run Amiga, Windows, MSDos, and Macintosh software from one incredibly powerful and economical system. This system is aimed at the serious Amiga user and not the budget user today, however the Alpha is coming down in price and once the porting is complete we expect to have a base machine for around 1500 which is what an average PC costs today. This is a realistic target unlike a lot of other so called new Amigas which will not appear. Porting Time scale, (very approximate). Starts from where Stage 3 finishes. Stage 5 At Q3-4 Once this system is shipping, all Users who purchased the Alpha upgrade path license package will receive their first upgrade. This will include sections that can be removed from the Amiga OS control fairly easily and handed over to the Alpha to speed them up. Graphics, Sound file handling etc. Improvements to some functions like the maths functions and additions to OS, to allow software to call Alpha Maths libraries etc. to speed up floating point operations. Stage 6 At Q1-2 of 1999 Once finished the entire OS will be Alpha based and only using the Amiga Card for software that relies on the Amiga Custom Chip set, although hopefully an ECS and AGA emulator may solve this problem.However we see the Amiga chip set still being important for Amiga developers and that it will be needed for some time to come with the Analogue Video world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A P P C M A I L I N G L I S T 5 January, 1998 W.F.M.H. Szczecin, Poland The mailing list for all AmigaPPC users and developers has been set. This list dedicated for all Amiga PPC developers, wishing to share their experience, opinions and problems with other people interested in developing PowerPC software for Amiga. For information how to subscrite, and to find out more about available Amiga related mailing lists visit Marcin Orlowski ---------------------------------------------------------------------- T H E G A T E W A Y C O M P U T E R S H O W G R O W S ! HOT! The Gateway Computer Show is growing again! HOT! Yes, it's true! We are expanding the show an additional day. This years show will be 50% bigger than last years, continuing the trend of bringing you better shows each year. This year Amiga98 will have so much more: * Three days (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) of seminars and classes. This year we are increasing the number of classes geared towards developers of Amiga Software. Shareware authors, script writers, program developers, can all benefit from these increased classes. We are also improving classes and seminars for the general Amiga user as well as reducing the prices of classes to $20 each. * Two days (Saturday & Sunday) of exhibits and displays. The exhibit area will be open Sat.and Sunday, for admittance to the best of what the Amiga has to offer. We have exhibitors coming from Europe as well as all over the U.S. & Canada. Many more exhibitors, with all the latest developments that have occurred in the growing Amiga market. * Special get togethers. The Saturday night banquet, with the best buffet, and a guest speaker you won't want to miss. The User Group Network luncheon, Saturday afternoon, right after the User Group Network seminar. * The best door prizes yet. An Amiga4000 has been promised by Amiga International Inc. as the main prize. Check out this and other prizes as companies offer them on our web page. Don't miss this show. It's the best yet, and getting better. New Vendors Added January 14th! * Macrohard media * Neather Realm Software * OZware New Vendors Added January 5th! * The Amiga Developer Network * Amiga Atlanta Inc. * Amiga Informer Magazine * Amiga User Group Network * Dan's Deals * National Amiga * North Coast Amiga Users Group * Prowave Inc. Coming March 13th thru 15th, 1998 to the Harley Hotel in St. Louis. Brought to you by Amigan-St. Louis Featuring: * the 3rd International Developers Conference * Amiga Inc. * Amiga International's Petro Tyschtschenko * Jeff Schindler, General Manager of Amiga Inc. * And many others soon to be mentioned. * Even more excitement than Amiga 97. !! Don't miss it !! What It's All About: Amigan St. Louis, a company formed by Bob Scharp, the former chairman of all the Gateway Computer Shows, is now bringing you Amiga98. The Gateway Computer Show - Amiga98, is March 13, 14 & 15, 1997. We would like everyone to be a part of this show. Space is available for rent to companies, clubs, organizations, and individuals producing Amiga related products and services. This three day weekend event will showcase the progress that the Amiga Community is making as well as having exhibitors demonstrating their newest products.Utilizing our expertise and low costs, a show of high caliber is being put together once again. If you were one of the many attendees or exhibitors who attended last years Amiga97, you will agree that this is an event not to be missed. We intend to make this show even bigger and better as its history has proven it to be. The central location of metropolitan St. Louis, located in the middle of North America makes it the most suitable. Having a hub airline located here makes travel easy, and midwest costs are reasonable. Easy access to Europe is available as well. In the past, many vendors have traveled to St. Louis to exhibit at our show, including Nova Design, Intangible Assets Manufacturing, SoftLogik, and New Tek, (Check out the Amiga 97 page for more information on past shows.) For this years show we already have commitments from the following companies: AEMail, Amazing Computing, Amiga Atlanta Inc., Amiga Informer Magazine, Amiga Inc., Amiga International Inc., Amiga User Group Network, Asimware Innovations Inc., Compuquick Media Center, Dan's Deals, FWD Computing, The Gateway Amiga Club Inc. (G.A.C.), Intangable Assets Manufacturing (I.A.M.), Legacey Maker Inc., National Amiga, North Coast Amiga Users Group (N.C.A.U.G.), Nova Design Inc., Power Computing LTD., Prowave Inc., Scharp Designs, SoftLogik Publishing Corp. User Groups in neighboring states have gone so far as to charter busses to attend our previous events. Amiga enthusiasts have traveled from all over the U.S. to attend. Last year we had attendees from 38 States, plus Canada, England, France and Germany. With your help, we can make the Amiga shine. We will continue to show that the Amiga is not only back, but on the attack! Remember, "The smile is back, because the Amiga is back!" :) Pricing: Admission, Classes and Dinner Admission, Dinner and Class reservations may be purchased by mail. In fact, we recommend you purchase dinner and class tickets in advance, as they will sell fast.Don't be left out of the fun because you hesitated to send in your check for the specific class you wanted, or the dinner you had hoped to attend. * Please note that there will be some free seminars as well as classes, * Admission Tickets Main exhibit hall - Saturday & Sunday. Specially priced tickets are available in advance by mail. Two day admission tickets.....$16. One day admission ticket......$12. If you elect to purchase tickets at the door, the prices are as follows: Two day ticket at the door....$20 One day ticket at the door... $15 Requests received for admission after March 1st will be held at the door in "will-call". Just ask at the admissions desk. Persons with advance tickets will have a special line to reduce waiting. Your check(s) should be mailed no later than March 5th or there is a chance that they will not arrive here in time for the show. Send your check for admission tickets to: Amigan St. Louis c/o Amiga 98 P.O. Box 672 Bridgeton, MO 63044 Please include a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) to help us return your tickets to you promptly. Thanks! * Classes All classes should run 45 minutes with 30 minute breaks. The instructors are being chosen for their experience in the respective subjects. In most classes an outline with notes will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the class. A disk of examples, text, or both should also be provided by the instructor. This will allow you to pay more attention to the subject matter in the classes, and ease your note taking task. The disks are designed to help you put to use at home what you learned in class. This method has worked well in the past. All classes are $20 each this year. We believe that you won't find a better value anywhere. There are two classrooms with instructors teaching each day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Be certain you do not purchase tickets to two classes being taught at the same time. You cannot attend a class without a ticket, so don't loose them. We cannot reissue tickets. Send checks for classes to: Amigan St. Louis c/o Amiga 98-Classes P.O. Box 672 Bridgeton, MO 63044 If you would please be so kind as to include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to help us return your tickets to you promptly. Thanks! Be certain to mark your check for the classes you wish. A separate check must be written for each class. Include a second choice where possible, in case your first choice is not available. Your phone number and address need to be included, in case there is a problem filling your order. * Dinner Reservations Dinner reservations for Saturday evening are limited. A delicious buffet dinner will be served. Prices are $30 per person. We will have a guest speaker. You won't want to miss this. You may make reservations for the dinner along with your admission ticket purchases. Last year we sold out so don't wait and be disappointed. Information: Where, When, Lodging, Prizes, Transportation, Exhibiting and Developers Conference * Where this is going to be! This show will be at the Harley Hotel, 3400 Rider Trail South, St. Louis, MO 63045, which is located at the entrance to Earth City from Interstate 70. Not only located right at Interstate 70 but this is just 7 minutes from St. Louis Lambert Airport. * Dates & Times Classes and seminars start early Friday morning, March 13. Admission to the show floor is on Saturday March 14th, from 11 AM until 5 PM, and Sunday March 15th, from 11AM until 4 PM. Please note, classes start earlier this year, and run later. * Door Prizes A raffle will be held each day of the show where prizes* will be given away. The prizes are donated by the vendors and other sources. These can include hardware as well as software. You must be present at the raffle to obtain your prize. We will not ship prizes. Door prizes promised to date, and the company donating them are listed herein. Prize Donated By Amiga 4000 Tower Amiga International, Inc. Aladdin4D Novadesign Two Amigan Mugs Amigan St. Louis And More to Come! * Door prizes are subject to substitution. * Hotel Accommodations The Harley Hotel, where the show will take place, is located in the suburb of Earth City near the St. Louis Airport. This allows easy access by highway, and air transportation. The hotel has a large hall, restaurant, and indoor/outdoor pool, tennis courts and other facilities. The Harley Hotel is located at 3400 Rider Trail South, St. Louis, MO. 63045. For hotel reservations call: (800) 321-2323 or (314) 291-6800 Mention the Gateway Computer Show for the "Special Show Rate". Single occupancy $62.00 + tax Double occupancy $62.00 + tax Triple occupancy $62.00 + tax Quad occupancy $62.00 + tax * Special Airfare Arrangements We have made special arrangements with TWA to give you a great deal on airfairs! For travel arrangements and discounts on our Official Air Carrier, TWA, contact Best Way Travel. To contact Best Way Travel call: (800) 325-4942 or (314) 291-0110 If you think your travel agency and your airline are giving you good rates and good service, just check out TWA. Call Best Way Travel, there is no charge for this service and you'll be surprised at the prices. * Alternative Transportation Bus charters and more. User clubs who are chartering busses are welcome to contact us if you wish a link to you included on this site. Others who are planning to attend and either wish to share their ride or need a ride may have their email address or another contact method listed here. Please note: We do require that you have already purchased a ticket before you will be listed here. Disclaimer: Alternative Transportation is not sponsored by Amigan St. Louis, Bob Scharp or anyone connected with our company or the Gateway Amiga Club, Inc. We accept no responsibility for lost rides, uncomfortable seats, radios that don't play your kind of music, poor travel companions or drivers who leave you off in the middle of nowhere. * Exhibiting Information Exhibit space is selling well. For information on exhibiting see the Exhibitor page, and fill out the Exhibitor Form. If you need additional information, email Bob Scharp at right away. or write to the following address. Amigan St. Louis c/o Exhibit space 14850 Phelps Drive Bridgeton, Mo. 63044-1934 USA * Developers' Conference The Third International Developers Conference The Developers Conferences got their start right here last year at the Gateway Computer Show - Amiga97. Mr. Kermit Woodall of Nova Design, Inc. hosted a panel to get things started, and Gateway, Amiga Inc. and Amiga International have been working on it since. Well, we think it's time to offer something for developers that they can sink their teeth into. For this reason, we are reserving the Harley Hotel classrooms all day Friday too. We are planning classes and seminars, on Friday for P.D. shareware authors, script writers, commercial developers and dealers/exhibitors. So if you are a current, past or potential future developer, check out Friday's listing of special events for you. These seminars and classes will start early Friday and run into Friday evening. We intend to have the exhibit hall open at 6PM, with security. This will allow exhibitors to set up their booths, as well as meet fellow exhibitors. Amiga Inc. may even have some- thing special lined up for you. Be certain to purchase your tickets to these classes. Endorsed by The Gateway Amiga Club, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " D O O M " F O R T H E A M I G A . . . Doom Source Code Released. It's finally happened. ID Software has released the source code for "Doom" into the Public Domain. Ports of the game are now possible without any any legal problems, and several are already available. Doom was one of the most important popular and influenctial PC games ever on the PC. It was never available on the Amiga until now. Source code is available at: The game itself can be obtained on Aminet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . A N D " Q U A K E " , T O O ! Official Quake Announcement from clickBOOM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On January 5, 1998 PXL computers and clickBOOM revolutionize the Amiga games market yet one more time - Quake Amiga is announced. Original Quake was written for PC by id software. "Quake is the biggest, baddest bloodiest and most atmospheric 3D action game ever conceived" - PC Gamer "The most important PC game ever" - PC Zone "Quake looks like no other game and perfectly displays id's trademark fusion of nightmarish art and advanced technology" - Wired "The new, radically different graphics engine delivers mesmerizing 3D effects" - Time Quake contains the most advanced 3D engine in the world. Moreover, players can connect to any one of several hundred Internet servers from around the world and join fast and furious battles against other users. Not only does Quake give the unbelievable amount of gameplay with its built-in options, it also features the most flexible core ever seen in a video game. This allows Quake users to create Quake "add-ons" (also known as "packs"). Quake add-ons can range from simple new levels and weapons to Quake movies and demos, to "total conversions" that change the way Quake is being played. Total conversions allow Quake players to take control of James Bond in the MGM's official Tomorrow Never Dies; embark on a dangerous snake expedition in Sony's Anaconda; drive popular race cars in QuakeRally; control fighter bombers, tanks, helicopters, hovercrafts and other military vehicles in AirQuake; and much, much more. All of the above options and more are now available on the Amiga.Quake is the first game to allow Amiga users to join the Internet gaming community. Connect to any Quake site and play against any combination of Amiga, PC or Mac users! Plus, Quake Amiga will use ANY Quake add-on, from freeware to commercial ones! And for those who like one-on-one deathmatches, connect to any Amiga, PC or Mac (modem, cable or network) and gib! No sacrifices - your copy of Quake is identical in options and expandability to PC or Mac. Naturally, in order to make it more Amiga-like, Quake also contains full locale support, Amiga-style menus, AREXX, option to play it in a window on any public screen, and much more. The complete list and explanation of each option is impressive, and can be accessed from clickBOOM web site ( ). Various tournaments, competitions, and clans will be organized in the near future for Amiga Quakers by clickBOOM and various Amiga magazines. ANY Amiga player will be able to join as long as he is a REGISTERED user of Quake. A registered user is a person who buys Amiga Quake, fills out the registration card, and mails it back to clickBOOM. At the moment Quake has entered its final beta testing stage.After it is fully tested by clickBOOM it will be sent to Id software for their approval, and then to CD duplication and packaging. If all goes according to plan, Quake should be ready on Feb. 1. Minimum Amiga required to play Quake is 68020 with FPU, 8Mb of RAM, CD-ROM and 30Mb hard drive. Recommended configuration is 68060 , 16Mb RAM , Internet connection. For more information about Quake please visit Quake is a trademark of Id software. (C)1996,1997 Id software, inc.All rights reserved. Amiga conversion (C)1998 PXL computers and clickBOOM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A I R M A I L P R O V 2 .0 Air Mail Pro v2.0 press release 2 January, 1997 Toysoft Development Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Air Mail Pro v2.0 for Magic User Interface (MUI). Air Mail Pro is a powerful and yet easy to use Internet email program for sending and receiving messages using SMTP and POP protocols. Air Mail Pro has some impressive features that are not found on any Amiga email programs. New features in Air Mail Pro v2.0 includes: You can choose three types of interface: Button, small icon or large icons. More preferences for user customization, multiple ASCII signatures, automatically get notified when a user receives your message (only works if both users are using Air Mail Pro), additional forms are included, also includes the Forms creator program to create your own forms, APOP authentication, Mail Peek to screen your messages before downloading , suppress recipient list, interface for PGP, completely localized for international users, Arexx for automated mailing. New Address Book database that includes full postal mailing address, email address, can include a picture of the user. Can sort messages on name, subject, date, size or mail status. New function that will let you mark messages in the mailboxes. New TrashCan and SentBox folders are added for message history keeping. A new Helper preference has been added to support MIME formatted messages.Air Mail Pro can display any types of pictures eg: GIF, IFF, JPEG or PNG or play any types of sounds eg: IFF, AU or WAVE and animations such as MPEG, CDXL or Quicktime using the external helper programs. Air Mail Pro runs on any Amiga with Workbench 2.0 and higher and is compatible with AmiTCP, Miami, TermiteTCP and Mlink. Air Mail Pro is $40.00 US plus $5.00 US for shipping and handling in North America and $7.00 US for shipping and handling worldwide. For more information please contact your local dealer or Toysoft Development Inc., 131 - 64 Ave N. W., Calgary Alberta, T2K 0L9 Canada.Tel: 1-403-680-1656 Email: or visit Contact Toysoft Development Inc. 131 - 64 Ave N. W. Calgary, Alberta T2K 0L9 Canada Phone: 1-403-680-1656 Email: WWW: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A W E B - I I H A S J A V A ! {Almost quietly, AWEB-II has become the first Amiga Web Broswer to support Java! A few postings here and there have made note of what's really a very significant event, but it's drawn surprisingly little notice. Below we have information from the AWEB-II home page about the upgrade patch to AWeb-II 3.1. The Java information is burried in there, almost hard to find! Brad} AWeb-II 3.1 patch file Use this patch to update your AWeb-II 3.0 (or 3.0b) program to AWeb-II 3.1. New in this version (compared with AWeb 3.0b) * Fixed bugs: * FTP didn't work with INet-225. * Added support for JavaScript 1.1. * Added support for secure connections by use of MiamiSSL. * Added internal mailer (mailto:). * Added internal newsreader. * Added the autosearch feature. * Added a search engine to the documentation. * Updated strict HTML mode to support HTML 4.0. * Added option to configure the keyboard. * Added option for continuously running transfer animation. * Arexx: added CHANOPEN and related commands to incrementally load a document. * ...and many,many other things. Plugins AnimGIF 1.10 (64k) This brand new plugin adds the possibility to view inlined animated gifs and normal gifs in a progressive manner to the AWeb-II 3.0 browser which has the API plugin system. The plugin is shareware, but contains all the functionality of the full version. However you will see a text now and then inside the animations saying it's a demo version. By registering for a low shareware fee you will get the full version sent to you by e-mail. Updates of the plugin will be free and sent to you automatically. See the documentation for full details. Improvements since version 1.00 * Added support for JavaScript (a new feature in AWeb-II 3.1). * Better handling of the disposal methods for animated gifs. * Better handling of different image sizes for different frames. * Removed some Enforcer hits. * Somewhat higher decoding speed. * Click and go button inside documentation for easy AWeb settings installation. AWebFTP.lha 2.1 (14k) This is version 1.3a of the AWebFTP plugin, and includes some minor bug fixes. AWebNews Version 1.7 (21k) New features in AWebNews 1.7 include: * HTML docs (thanks to Gabriele Favrin of HTTX fame) * Progress report window * Complex message filter * Subject scanning * Online context help * Installer script * Auto link to URLs * Abort function * Save file requester * Many more improvements Requires a valid 'TCP:' device, TermiteTCP is not supported. AmiTrix Development 5312-47 Street Beaumont, Alberta, Canada T4X 1H9 Phone and Fax: (403) 929-8459 (Email preferred) Requirements for AWeb-II The following hardware and software are required in order to install and use AWeb-II: * Workbench / Kickstart 3.0, 3.1, or above. * Approximately 3 MB of free hard disk space for installation of the software, and 5-10 MB of free space for disk caching unless you have a lot of spare RAM. * At least 2 Megs of RAM. Less than 1 Meg of chip RAM may make image loading difficult or impossible. * A working TCP/IP stack, either AmiTCP, AS-255, I-Net 225, or other suitable software. * The installation of appropriate GIF, JPEG, JFIF, 24bit, and other datatypes as required. These may be obtained from Aminet in the util/dtype directory.The current recommended datatypes are: * ZGIF version 39.18 * akJFIF version 43.75 * akPNG version 43.11 * For CyberGraphics systems, use the latest V43 picture datatype. * AMS archive, including support for .au sound files and improved picture datatype for non-Cybergraphics systems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I N E T L I V E S - D O N ' T P A N I C January 15, 1998 - Amiga users from around the world tonight gasped in shock as they read a message posted on the Washington University (in St. Louis, MO) FTP site, the primary host of the Aminet archive. The location where the primary Aminet archive is usually stored is now reported as "not found" by the server and this message can be found in the /pub/ directory of wustl: Due to extensive and repeated abuse, the public files section of wuarchive has been removed. This also means that we are no longer accepting software submissions. We do, however, mirror several large platform-specific archives. If you are looking to distribute your software, you might consider uploading your files to one of these other large archives. Uploads to the following sites will be mirrored to wuarchive in less than a day: (DOS files, mirrored in /systems/ibmpc/ (windows files, mirrored in /systems/ibmpc/win[3,95,nt]) (Macintosh files, mirrored in /systems/mac/info-mac) Most of the people who were disturbed by that posting failed to notice the date stamp of the file: November 16, 1997. It was an old post announcing the deletion of files from wustl's /pub/ FTP directories--not Aminet. Aminet administrator Urban Mueller reported to CUCUG that the problem is yet another in a long line of hard disk errors suffered at the midwestern US university and that repairs were being made.According to Mueller, the primary Aminet archive will be back online within a few days and there is no need to panic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- L O T U S P A C I F I C & 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 A M I G A S {The following item is a Securities and Exchange Commission form filled out by Lotus Pacific. It contains fascinating information on their upcoming plans for the Chinese Amiga. Brad} LOTUS PACIFIC INC (LPFC) Quarterly Report (SEC form 10-Q) Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 1. Results of Operations Regent, a subsidiary of the Company, started to market Wonder TV A6000 offshore and particularly in China in the last quarter. Wonder TV A6000 is an Amiga technology based multimedia and multi-functional TV set top box developed by Regent. It features an all-in-one box system with combined functions of a multimedia personal computer, a fax machine, a Karaoke machine, an Internet box, an audio CD player, a video CD player and an electronic game machine. In August 1997, Regent signed an agreement with Shanghai Dingqiu International Trade Co., Ltd. ("Shanghai Dingqiu"), a public company in Shanghai, China, under which the two companies agreed to work together in manufacturing and marketing of Wonder TV A6000. According to the agreement, Shanghai Dingqiu will order 300,000 sets of chips and parts at the price $86 per set for assembling Wonder TV A6000 from Regent before the end of December 1998. Shanghai Dingqiu is responsible for assembling and marketing of the product in China. Regent agreed to provide Shanghai Dingqiu with all the necessary technical support while holding all patents and copyrights relating to Wonder TV A6000. In addition, Shanghai Dingqiu agreed to pay Regent $1,000,000 annually as compensation for the use of the related patent, and the first annual payment in the amount of $1,000,000 was made in August 1997. Richtime Far East Ltd., a whole subsidiary of the Company incorporated and operated in Hong Kong, had a total sales of $1.697 million and a net income of $157,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 1997. Richtime is in the business of import and export in garment. It receives customer orders mainly from North America, and contracts the orders to garment manufacturers in Nanjing and other eastern coast cities of China. 2. Liabilities and Capital Resources On September 18, 1997, the Company entered into an Equity Exchange Agreement with Rightiming Electronics Corp., wherein the Company issued 6,000,000 shares of common stock of the Company with a par value of $0.001 per share to Rightiming Electronics Corp. in exchange for 6,000,000 shares of common stock of Regent Electronics Corp. that were owned by Rightiming Electronics Corp. The Equity Exchange Agreement has substantially increased the company's ownership of Regent Electronics Corp. from 70% to 92.3%. The company also issued 72,000 shares of common stock with par value of $0.001 per share to an individual of California on July 31, 1997 for an aggregate consideration of $216,000.As of September 30, 1997, the Company had outstanding 46,809,054 shares of Common Stock, par value $.001 per share and 4,300 shares of Series A Preferred Stock. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W S F R O M V U L C A N GENETIC SPECIES UPDATE ---------------------- Vulcan Softwares Genetic Species CDRom is finally nearing completion! 3 years of pure sweat and creativity is now coming to a close and the title is all set for a February 98 release, can you honestly wait! To mark the occasion Vulcan in co-operation with Amiga Advis have initiated a competition for 10 lucky Amiga users to win a free copy of Genetic Species CDRom on launch day. To enter the competition please visit the newly updated and frames capable `Genetic Species Developers` website at ( where you can also find `up to the minute` information and screenshots, or simply visit the Vulcan website ( and follow the links. Demo Version 3 is now available from both sites and Aminet. Vulcan America Changes Operators -------------------------------- Steve Ocepeck the former operator of Vulcan America in Ohio is transferring the business to Terry Fike in Texas. Terry the owner of 'Turtle Lightening Software' will now be responsible for supplying all Vulcan's titles to American and Canadian Amiga users.Terry offers top quality 'mail order' services throughout the region and will also be Vulcan's main trade outlet in North America. Visit the Vulcan website for more information, ordering details and current price lists. ( NEW ADDRESS: Vulcan Software America, P.O. Box 30499, Midland, TX 79712, U.S.A. Contact Name: Terry Fike Telephone: 915-563-4925 Fax: 915-563-4315 Email: All at Vulcan UK wish Steve the best of luck in his new business ventures! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __ _ __ _ ____ _ _ The AMIGA /\\ |\ || |\ || || \\ / I N F O R M E R /__\\ | \ || | \ || ||-- \\ / \\__| \||_ | \||_ ||___ _/\\_ Section ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DISKSALV 4 Review ------------------ By Davis Sprague Originally appearing in issue 8 of The Amiga Informer ©1996-98 by Davis Sprague and Eldritch Enterprises For years Amiga users have had one place to turn for help when the in- evitable disk crash occurs -- DiskSalv. In this article I will review the lat- est version of this software, DiskSalv 4. This program was developed by one of the original Amiga Gurus of the old Commodore Amiga, Dave Haynie, and will reconstruct almost any disk after an error corrupts the available data. Along with a Salvage mode that reconstructs trashed disks, this program has Undelete and Unformat (for those dreaded "OOPSs"), as well as Repair, Check, and a Backup mode. The version 2 demo, found under util/disk on Aminet, is several years old, and doesn't have all the much improved algorithms in the new com- mercial version, but it will give you an idea of what the power of this pro- gram could be. The software requires no specific hardware or software, and will work well on a minimum configured A500, as well as an A4000. I recommend it more strongly for those using a hard drive, but it works find on a dis- kette based system as well. It requires Amiga OS 2.04, and supports all file systems. It was tested under Amiga OS 2.04 and 3.0 using an Amiga 1200 and 2000 both with hard drives, in both accelerated (68030) and standard modes. The software itself has no copy protection and no dongles. It does how- ever come with a plea not to distribute the commercial version in the documentation, with instructions on how to obtain the shareware version to offer to friends. The installation is automatic with the standard Amiga installer. The documentation is exemplary, and explains the reasons disks get trashed and how the program works, and well as giving a list of all the known difficulties with the software. It is written on a basic level and covers all the needed information in a way that only an Amiga de- veloper can. I have very few if any complaints about this program. It is reliable and the interface is well thought out with on-line help as well as scaled icon buttons for program control. The icons are scaled to the screen font in an attempt to make the icons adapt to the screen mode. I would prefer them to be user scalable, but this is a minor complaint. The distributor, Intangible Assets Manufacturing, offers the email ad- dresses of their staff and special addresses for reporting bugs. Using this you should be able to consult with Dave Haynie himself. They do not offer telephone support and there is no warranty offered in the docu- mentation. Overall, I give this software an A. It has helped with countless messes caused mostly by testing other beta release software. I owe the timely correction of multiple corrupt files and the revalidation of my hard drive on many passes to this program. It is a must for any software developer, beta tester or, really, any Amiga user. Disksalv4 is published Intangible Assets Manufacturing, 828 Ormond Ave., Drexel Hill PA 19026-2604. The retail price is US $35. Orders, 610-853-4406; Fax, 610-853-3733; Email,; URL, Rating: A By Davis Sprague ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: some issues available at: (in html format) Australian Mirror Site: All back issues available (in ASCII text) at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1998 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || ======================================================================