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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Occasional Newsletter)
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    AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

                 V I S C O R P   T A K E S   O V E R 
                  A M I G A   A T   O L Y M P I C S 

             T H E   I N F O R M E R   A V A I L A B L E

From the Editor:
 Just a few days ago (the 23rd) we remarked that Escom, the company that
saved the Amiga, was itself in need of saving.  It seems it was already too
late.  Press reports indicate that Escom Netherlands will be bought out,
Escom UK will die for lack of purchasers, and Amiga Technologies will be
disbanded.  The Amiga itself will continue, as expected.  VIScorp will
obtain full control of the computer.  We have an open letter from VIScorp
to the Amiga community, and a press release from them as well.
 While this closes the latest period of uncertainty for the Amiga, we admit
to being concerned. It has now been more than two years since Commodore
died. There has yet to be any continuous development of new Amiga products.
This is far, far too long a period with nothing new. We hope VIScorp can
get something developed, advertised and selling quickly. 
 We feel a medium range Amiga of some sort is desperately needed. The A1200
is a terrific machine, but will not lure any potential PC or Mac users to
our camp. Console style units simply won't be perceived as realistic
choices any longer by folks who don't already know what an Amiga can do.
The A4000T is also a terrific machine, but at over $2000 is obviously
overpriced compared to the perceived value of PCs and Macs selling for far
less. What's needed, in our opinion, is something like the A3000 I'm now
typing on, but with newer graphics and more processing power. And it's
needed soon!
 Also from VIScorp comes an interesting story of the Amiga's participation
at the Olympics. Long time Amigans will recall the Amiga played a key role
in the virtual reality mock-up used to sell Atlanta to the Olympic
committee years ago. It seems the relationship didn't end there. Read all
about it below.
 Finally, despite the uncertainty swirling about the Amiga during the last
two years, a new paper Amiga publication has been bravely launched.  We
have information aout it in our leadoff story.

             N E W   A M I G A   P U B L I C A T I O N ! 

By Brad Webb
 We're very pleased to inform you there's a new paper Amiga publication
available.  Called "The Informer", it's a new venture from Eldritch
Enterprises that looks very promising.  We've only had a chance to see the
second issue so far but we like what we see.  It's not fancy, at least not
yet, but it does carry timely information for the Amiga community.  We've
been in contact with Editor Fletcher Haug and like his approach.  He had
some interesting thoughts about his newsletter:

"In fact, I feel this is a very exciting time for the Amiga.
 I, and I suspect you also, realize the need for more amiga reporting.
North America is starving for Amiga news and information. That's the
reason I started The Informer, because Amigans need to know whats going
on out there and, if you're not connected to the nets (and spend alot
of time on them), you have only a few places to turn for limited info.
 Above all, I want to see the Amiga survive."

 We agree with that philosophy. At present, the only American paper
publication is the venerable "Amazing Computing" and more power to them for
being there when no one else was. We hope they endure for a long while.
 However, the Amiga community should have more than one paper magzine to
turn to. While electronic publications such as "Amiga Update" can bring you
news quickly, and we intend to continue doing that, nothing can match the
depth of coverage you can get from paper publications.
 If you're interested in "The Informer", you can contact them at PO Box 21,
Newburgh, NY 12551-0021, e-mail Fletcher.Haug@bbs.mhv.net.  Phone (914)
 Subscriptions (6 issues, one year) are $12 in the US, Canada $15 US, all
others $18 US.  Individual copies are $2.50.  The second issue was only 10
pages, but there was little advertising.  We hope that changes as
advertising is a magazine's life blood.  We'd like to see this venture

              V I S C O R P   N O W   O W N S   A M I G A

Chicago, IL
July 24, 1996
Permission Granted to Distribute without Alteration

VIScorp Proceeds with Amiga Acquisition

 On Thursday, the 18th of July, 1996, the final contract of purchase was
signed between the bankruptcy trustee solicitor, Bernhard Hembach, and the
president and CEO of VIScorp, William Buck, with approval of the 'pool of
banks' for the entire remaining inventory and intellectural property.
Until the 18th of August, 1996, VIScorp has time to establish the necessary
companies to carry on with its current business.  In the meantime, the
business will be run with the approval of the bankruptcy trustee Hembach
under the name AMICA Technologies GmbH i.K.  From the 19th of August, 1996,
the business will finally be run under the name, control and ownership of
VIScorp.  Contact:  Florine Radulovic, Director of Communications, VIScorp
At the Financial Relations Board:  Contact:  Ted Gage, General Information
Contact:  Bess Gallanis, Media

             O P E N   L E T T E R   F R O M   V I S C O R P

VIScorp Message: July 24, 1996
Chicago, IL
July 24, 1996
An Open Message to the Amiga Community from Bill Buck, CEO, VIScorp:

1.  Escom AG and Amiga Technologies GmbH are in bankruptcy and will cease
to exist as corporate entities.  VIScorp has reached an agreement with the
Trustee for the liquidation of these companies and with the creditors of
these companies for the purchase of "Amiga." There were at least eleven
different banks or companies that had claims to be "owners" of the
technology and/or the inventory.  Escom had liabilities of over $250
million.  Imagine the confusion...

2.  The steps that we had to follow through the last three months were
painstaking.  As the situation at Escom deteriorated, we had to continually
re-negotiate our purchase contract.  We could not speed-up the process.
Many things we wanted to begin immediately we have had to delay.  The
situation at Amiga and Escom were extremely troubled.  This was in part
because of the difficult financial and management situations at Amiga and
Escom, but also because of how poorly organized the intellectual property
had been under Commodore.  In the course of the Commodore bankruptcy many
problems developed that were never repaired.

3.  The final (and last of three) purchase contract was signed on Friday,
19 July.  It cannot be changed; it has been executed.  The intellectual
property of the former Commodore and the inventory of the former Amiga
Technologies will be owned finally by VIScorp.  The final paperwork will be
completed in the next 30 days.  During this month, VIScorp GmbH will be
registered and Amiga Technologies will continue to operate temporarily in
bankruptcy for VIScorp.
4.  Petro Tyschtschenko and his staff will continue to operate from
Germany.  Raquel Velasco and Petro Tyschtschenko will be the new General
Managers of Amiga, to be known as VIScorp GmbH.  Al Duncan, a former
General Manager of Commodore will join VIScorp to manage the sales and
distribution of VIScorp and Amiga products in North America.  Petro will
continue to operate from Germany and manage the existing business.  Raquel
is looking for someone from the community to manage the re-organization of
the sales and distribution in Europe.  Please contact Raquel if you are the
right person for this job.

5.  The engineering efforts of the former Amiga Technologies and the
on-going engineering of VIScorp will be combined and professionally
managed.  We intend to begin to implement the plans we outlined in Toulouse
very shortly.

6.  Please excuse our lack of communication with the community over the
last months.  We were severely restricted from communicating our
activities.  Please resend your emails to any of the VIScorp staff if they
have not been answered by this letter.  We simply could not answer all the

7. Do not expect miracles from VIScorp, expect slow, but steady progress.

Thank you for your continued support.
Best Regards,
Bill Buck

    T H E   A M I G A ,   A T L A N T A ,   A N D   O L Y M P I C S 

Chicago, IL
July 22, 1996
Permission Granted to Distribute without Alteration

Amiga Supports The 1996 Olympic Games

The 1996 Summer Olympic Games provides a unique opportunity for the Amiga
to demonstrate its worldwide appeal, especially among news and media
professionals from Europe and the Americas.
 Several US-based Amiga companies have joined forces to provide computer
support to the press agencies attending the Games.  A series of high-end
Amigas are being placed at the heart of the media editing room for use as
an onsite editing tool for video footage taken by various reporters and
media producers.  The Amiga will be getting some positive media coverage
and a chance to demonstrate it's prowess handling complex broadcast and
video graphics.
 Special thanks are extended to Keith Cagle, of Virtual Reality
Productions, who organized the event space.
 VIScorp would like to thank the Amiga community for its support in this
effort, especially the following companies for their contribution:  Virtual
Reality Productions, Keith Cagle QuickPak, Dave Zembecki New Tek, Bob
Hoffman & Daneta Colbach Anti-Gravity Products, June Lavenberg DPS
Micropace, Bob Wolter 
 Contact:  Florine Radulovic,
 Director of Communications
Amiga Update on the net: recent issues available in html format at:
All back issues available (ASCII text only) at:
Copyright 1996 by Brad Webb.         Freely distributable, if not modified.
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate 
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk