941019 {this line added when newsletter was archived}
     //              Amiga Update - News and Rumors                //
   \X/               (A Very Occasional Newsletter)              \X/ 

The following item popped up on the Internet recently. As nearly as we can
tell, the information contained is correct. I believe Escom is a German 
company which recently entered the bidding.

David Tiberio (dtiberio@ic.sunysb.edu) wrote:
:  Commodore UK has outbid Creative Equipment International
: in the bdding war for the Amiga. CBM UK has signed relative documents,
: CBM UK was awarded the company due to having the largest bid. All other
: bidders, such as CEI, have the option of placing one last bid to outbid
: CBM UK. This includes Escom. After they make their final bid, CBM UK may
: opt to outbid their counterbid. At this time, the hgihest bid will acquire
: the rights to the Amiga. The new bidding deadline is November 3rd 1994.

                                   ||  Brad Webb - available at:
     //  Commodore has fallen      ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
   \X/   and it can't get up       ||  GEnie -- B.Webb
                                   ||  Portal -- Jumpdisk