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               A M I G A      | 051031 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

      H Y P E R I O N   L A U N C H E S   O S 4   W E B S I T E 

            A M I G A   G O E S   F O R   T H E   P U C K 

     N E W   A M I G A   1 0 0 0   S I T E   I N   G E R M A N Y 

    C A I S   F I L E S   M O V E   T O   A M I G A   F U T U R E

  3 C A G   U S E R   G R O U P   I S   L A U N C H E D   I N   U K 

  M E D   S O U N D S T U D I O   D I S T R I B U T I O N   D E A L

          0 . 4 9   O F   D V P L A Y E R   I S   R E A D Y

             W A R P V I E W   V I E W E R   A T   0 . 4 

               X N E T - R S S   N E W S   R E A D E R 

             L A T E S T   W I N U A E   I S   1 . 1 . 1 

           A M I G A   G A M E S   T H A T   W E R E N ' T 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 With Winter looming somewhere over the horizon here as we end 
October, it's good to see the Amiga community busy doing things that 
promise to keep everyone busy and interested through the coming cold 
months. Of course, for those of you in the southern half of the world, 
since you're just coming out of the cold season you don't have that 
concern. And I'm betting we don't get any sympathy from you either.
 Be that as it may, there are many interesting things going on in the 
Amiga world in particular and computing in general to hold our 
interest. One item promises the possibility of interesting processors 
in the Power PC world. Here's an excerpt from the press release:

 "*Fall Processor Forum ? San Jose, Calif. ? Oct. 24, 2005*  Emerging
from more than two years of stealth development, P.A. Semi today
unveiled the PWRficient TM processor family a 64-bit multicore, 
scalable processor line based on the Power Architecture TM from IBM 
that delivers high performance at very low power consumption, offering 
up to a tenfold advantage in performance per watt over the industry. 
P.A. Semi is headed by Dan Dobberpuhl, the acclaimed lead designer of 
the DEC Alpha series of microprocessors, the ultra-power-efficient 
StrongARM microprocessors, and the first commercial multicore 
processors including the SiByte 1250. The 150-strong processor, ASIC, 
software and systems engineering team also includes key designers of 
other defining processor architectures, such as Opteron, Itanium, and 

 This bears keeping an eye on. We'll try to do that.
 Also heard this month from folks in Germany who have launced a new 
Amiga 1000 and Phoenix site. We just had to visit that one, and found 
it fun. We have an item on it below - give it a look, we think you'll 
enjoy it.
 In the "What does this mean, if anything?" category, the following 
announcement appeared this month at www.amigaworld.net:

 "I don't know that there is any interest in the following. If you'd 
like (after removing my e-mail address) please feel free to post the 

Several months ago I terminated my association with Amiga, Inc. I am 
no longer affiliated with Amiga in any capacity.

Best Regards, Garry Hare"

 Actually, I'm afraid no one even noticed. However, it's to Mr. Hare's 
credit that he had the professionalism to let the community know. Best 
of luck to you, whatever you do, Gary Hare.
 Then there's the matter of Amiga games that never quite made it to 
the market for one reason or another. There's a new site devoted to 
them. We have a story and the link below.
 Lots of fun things in the autumn (or spring) air right now. That's 
 Oh - did we mention Hyperion has launched a new OS4 Website? We 
didn't? Well then, we'll start this issue with that story.
 Brad Webb,

     H Y P E R I O N   L A U N C H E S   O S 4   W E B S I T E 

28 October, 2005
 With this website, we at Hyperion Entertainment VOF have created a 
central resource for the community of AmigaOS4.0 users and clients, 
both present and future. We will shortly be expanding this website to 
include downloads, a developers area, an FAQ and more features that we 
hope you will find both useful and informative.

 To start things off, we include two sets of articles for your reading
enjoyment; you'll see links to them in the menu at the side of the
page. From the AmigaOS4.0 link you can access articles intended to 
give you an introduction to the latest version of the Amiga OS, 
whether you are an OEM interested in the great advantages AmigaOS4.0 
can bring to your platform, a curious end-user who wants to know what 
has been happening with the Amiga platform in recent years, or a 
dedicated Amiga enthusiast who has been with us all this time. Below 
that in the menu side bar, you'll find our special "Amiga@20" section, 
celebrating this 20th anniversary year of the revolutionary Amiga 
Operating system. In this, you'll find a brief history of the Amiga, 
as well as a list of our 20 favourite features of AmigaOS4.0, and 20 
reasons why we believe AmigaOS4.0 to be a truly unique, innovative and 
user-friendly OS.

 Here you will find nformation and resources relating to the latest 
release of the Operating System that introduced the world to 
multimedia and proves the fact that so much of the computing industry 
has forgotten - that computers can be fun.

 20 years after the Amiga Operating System was first unveiled to the
public it is returning, better than ever, thanks to a joint effort by
Amiga Inc. and Hyperion Entertainment VOF. This new version of the
famous OS takes all the features that made the original AmigaOS great,
and updates them with the latest requirements for cross-platform 21st
Century computing devices of all sorts. From desktop computers to 
mobile hardware, AmigaOS4.0 delivers a uniquely accessible, powerful, 
and above all fun way to use technology.

 Whether you are one of the thousands of dedicated enthusiasts for the
platform or an ex-user curious to see what's going on, if you are
completely new to the Amiga experience or a potential OEM client
considering the deployment of AmigaOS 4.0 on your own hardware, we 
hope you'll find plenty in this website to interest you.


          A M I G A   G O E S   F O R   T H E   P U C K 
 October 4, 2005 - San Francisco, CA - NHL and Amiga.Inc. announced 
today a cooperative marketing and branding agreement where Amiga will 
create and jointly market NHL-branded applications through the 
co-branded nhl.shopamiga.com website.

 Further, they will jointly enable leading carriers, operators and 
digital computing device OEMs to bundle this content in their most 
popular devices.

 As hockey enthusiasts around the world visit NHL.com, they will have 
access to a thrilling variety of games, puzzles, and musical 
applications for personal computers, gaming devices, mobile handsets 
and other computing devices.

 The National Hockey League commands a global audience, as one-third 
of the players originate from nations outside of North America. These 
countries are well known for their tremendous hockey fanbase and 
cutting edge adoption of mobile and Internet technologies.

 Annually, the NHL plays to more than 20 million fans in hockey arenas 
throughout 30 major markets in the U.S. and Canada. NHL.com itself 
averages 5-6 million unique visitors per month, plus draws additional 
interest from affiliate sites AHL, ECHL, UHL, CHL and ELITE leagues 
that bring hockey to additional greater metropolitan areas.

 The NHL also enjoys coverage from leading media and network partners, 
including NBC, OLN, CBC, TSN, HD-Net, RDS, Westwood One, Sirius 
Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio.

 Amiga lets consumers enjoy rich-media NHL and hockey-based content 
featuring extraordinary audio-visual quality, high-speed interactive 
gaming, education and edutainment from all of NHL.com Arcade, Kids and 
Wireless sections of the NHL website.

 The 'Fun and Games' section of NHL.com, provides online and cellular 
gamers of all ages with a perfect home. "Amiga is a great fit with 
NHL.com's commitment to provide fans around the world with compelling 
and entertaining content," said Keith Ritter, President NHL ICE. 
"We are thrilled to offer such high quality content across a myriad of 

 "Amiga continues to find new and innovative ways to provide 
entertaining content", said Greg Sigel, Amiga's Vice President of 
Sales and Marketing. "Our developers are already busy creating new 
content to make the most of the market exposure that we are gaining 
through our efforts with the NHL and their industry leading partners."

    N E W   A M I G A   1 0 0 0   S I T E   I N   G E R M A N Y 

12 October, 2005
 Please take a look on the new german/english community project for 
amiga: www.a1k.org

 Because we have a dictator, the community is very peacefull. :-) 

 The forum is at the moment only in german, but we like the english 
language. at the moment we have some foreign users talking in english 
(yes it is allowed) or trying to write in german. ;-) if you are 
logged in into the forum you can use are chatsystem that is running 
on all browsers, even on the amiga!!!

 From www.a1k.org (above the mainlogo) you can reach the actually sfs 
homepage, the latest version of lha (2.11 and it is still in 
development...), the homepage of one that is making grafics for us 
and pictures from the classic computing 2005 in germany (a retro 
computing exhibition).

 The amiga 1000 section is from alexandra "alexa", an amiga 1000 
lover. ;-)

 The phoenix homepage is in english and in german now! Take a look on 
this great motherboard, the first real amiga motherboard produced 
since 1994!!!! ;-))))   

    C A I S   F I L E S   M O V E   T O   A M I G A   F U T U R E

19 October, 2005  

 An annoucement from Patric Klöter: I was too busy the last weeks to 
keep my Amiga website uptodate. Because of this I make the following 
announcement: The articles of the Commodore Amiga Information Source 
will be transferred into the Amiga Future website.
 Whether into the articles database or another place isn't clear at 
the moment. Andreas and I will try to get as many articles as possible 
from my website. Since of this my website will go offline soon. This 
action includes the guestbook, the board and the mailing list. That's 
why I'm refering to the board of the Amiga Future now.

 Taking this step isn't easy fpr me but I'm glad to know that the 
contents will get preserved by the Amiga Future.

 I want to thank all Commodore and Amiga fans for visiting my site and 
for the feedback for the last 4 1/2 years.



  3 C A G   U S E R   G R O U P   I S   L A U N C H E D   I N   U K 

 3CAG is the Three Counties Amiga Group, Based In Peterborough, UK.

 We are a new Amiga usergroup, yet to hold our first meeting, We are 
currently looking for members to attend once a month at a venue Based 
in the Peterborough area.

 We are looking to hold our meetings once a month, membership is on an 
"as is" basis, i.e. you pay only when and if you attend.

 If you want to know more about meetings, venue etc, please watch our 
website, it will be announced soon!

 To get intouch please click on the Contact Us Link on the site, and 
if you so wish, we will add you to our member's mailing list.

Thanks for visiting
Paul, (The Editor/Outcast) 


  M E D   S O U N D S T U D I O   D I S T R I B U T I O N   D E A L

25 October, 2005

 APC&TCP is proud to announce the worldwide distribution of MED 
Soundstudio 2.

 MED Soundstudio 2 is the official successor of the world famous 
OctaMED Soundstudio v1.03c and will be released early next year for 
use on the new AmigaOS 4.

 However there is also the possibility of 68k and MorphOS versions to 

 More information about the features and the actual release date of 
MED Soundstudio 2 will be available within the next couple of Months.



         0 . 4 9   O F   D V P L A Y E R   I S   R E A D Y

26 October, 2005
 DvPlayer is an ongoing project to bring the ultimate multimedia 
experience to the Amiga computer. It is a unique and Amiga-only 
multimedia player, developed by Amiga enthusiasts, for Amiga 

 The current version of DvPlayer requires AmigaOS 4.0 and supports the 
following video formats:

    * MPEG-1/2 video streams
    * MPEG-1/2 system streams
    * VideoCD
    * SVCD
    * VOB files (DVDs)
    * AVI files

 DvPlayer supports many audio and video codecs via avcodec.library, 
including MPEG Video 1/2, DiVX, XVID, MJPG, Cinepak, Indeo Video, PCM, 
MPEG Audio (Layer1-3) and more.

 To achieve the fastest possible video playback, DvPlayer uses fast 
direct-rendering algorithms for every possible HiColor and TrueColor 
screen mode. There are also separate rendering routines for half scale 
and also for movies with 16:9 aspect ratio so that they are correctly 
displayed on a 1:1 aspect monitor without being stretched.

 Support for using the video overlay is also included. Overlay is 
currently only supported by the Voodoo drivers; for Radeon owners it 
will be available in future releases of the Radeon graphics driver.

 DvPlayer features an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface which 
provides great control for the user.

 Keyboard shortcuts are available for quick and easy access to 

 Handling of multiple files is implemented, so the user can easily 
select many video files and step between them either automatically or 
by the press of a button.

 The GUI is skinnable, allowing everyone to get the look-and-feel they 

 You can easily switch from window to fullscreen display and back 
(only for registered users)

 DvPlayer can be placed into AmiDock and the user can drag'n'drop 
files onto the DvPlayer icon to make them play instantly.

 It is possible to switch between the different audio streams from the 
menu or with keyboard shortcuts, even during playback, for example to 
select a different language.

DvPlayer 0.49 Released      26-Oct-2005
This new version fixes a bug in skin loading, which caused bad 
graphics corruptions/crashes on some systems.

Thanks to Szymon Tomzik for helping me find this bug!


           W A R P V I E W   V I E W E R   A T   0 . 4 

23 October, 2005

*Description: *    A fast Image Viewer using Warp3D
*Download: *    warpview.lha
*Version: *    0.4
*Date: *    23 Oct 05
*Author: *    Stephen Fellner
*Submitter: *    Stephen Fellner
*Email: *    sf.amiga@gmail.com <mailto:sf.amiga@gmail.com>
*Requirements: *    AmigaOS4.0, Warp3D
*Category: *    graphics/viewer
*License: *    Freeware
*Distribute: *    yes
*FileID: *    1190

 WarpView is an image wiewer which uses Warp3D to display the images. 
The advantage of using Warp3D is fast high quality scaling. However 
WarpView requires more video memory than conventional image viewers, 
because the entire image must be in video memory for it to work 

 WarpView uses the datatype system of AmigaOS to load the images. This 
way all popular image formats can be viewed (IFF-ILBM, JPEG, PNG, 
etc.) if you have the datatypes installed.

 WarpView is FREEWARE and is my gift to the Amiga community. If you 
like it you are welcome to tell me about it, however please do not 
bomb me with feature requests. I will keep improving WarpView, but my 
bigger projects have higher priority.

 WarpView requires AmigaOS4 and a Radeon graphics card.

 The current version of WarpView has no software clipping, which means 
it won't work on graphics cards like Voodoo3. I'll fix this when I get 
some time for it.

 You should have a lot of free graphics memory, otherwise you'll have 
problems, especially viewing high resolution images.

              X N E T - R S S   N E W S   R E A D E R 

4 October, 2005 
 XNet-RSS is a native AmigaOS4.0 RSS News reader.
 It has automatic charset convertion and doesn't need any external 
library. Could be integrated with any web browser to display RSS news 

Available on OS4Depot: XNet-RSS

 New features that where added from the 51.3 release:

- first public release
- totally redone the Add / Modify / Remove Prefs section
- could be iconified
- could show a scrolling News Bar when iconified
- improved html entities parsing and stripping
- added a workaround for the single '&' chararcter illegally used on 
  some web sites
- redone the about window
- could save position and dimensions of the main window on exit
- some little modification to the gui
- bugs fixing


            L A T E S T   W I N U A E   I S   1 . 1 . 1 

24 October, 2005

Bugs fixed:

- Incorrect AF 2005 path defaults.
- Blitter freeze in CE-mode if D-channel was not enabled.
- Misc/Priority panel crash when running under Windows 9x/ME.
- Parallel port emulation. (Gauntlet III)
- Two disk emulation bugs. (Xybots, Disposable Hero and others)
- Incorrect .uae extension path if -datapath -command line
parameter was used.

New features:

- Old versions of AdaptecASPI and NeroASPI are now automatically
rejected. No more crashes or bluescreens under Windows 9x/ME if
Windows build-in ASPI is used.
- Full SCSI device support in SPTI-mode.
- Display panel resolution and depth moved to separate select boxes
- Disk history format changed. File name is now visible even if
path is very long.


         A M I G A   G A M E S   T H A T   W E R E N ' T 

30 October, 2005
 Legend tells of a breed of Amiga games that never crawled out of the
primordial development swamp of their early existence. Games that 
never stood blinking in the sunlight of the gaming world. Games that 
were never devoured by predators of the Amiga jungle. They are the... 
Amiga Games That Weren't.

 Some 5,000 Amiga games were released commercially. However, there are 
a significant number that were never released. The aim of this site is 
to find out what happened to them and (if possible) allow them to be
released. Expect many to be lost forever. It'll be an interesting
journey nonetheless.

 Amiga Games That Weren't is a companion site to Frank Gasking's 
Games That Weren't 64 and Timo Weirich's PC Games That Weren't 
sites. The data on unreleased games is primarily based on information 
from the Hall Of Light.

 aGTW is launched (with a simple site). There is only one game so far 
but it's a complete and previously unreleased Amiga game that was due 
to be a commercial title!

Case 1 - Son Shu Shi 

Thanks to eLowar for the aGTW logo.

Adrian Simpson (Webmaster)
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 12th publication year. 
Copyright 2005 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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