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               A M I G A      | 031231 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

    D E V E L O P E R   4 . 0   T O   B E   D I S T R I B U T E D 

A M I G A   S E T T I N G   U P   N E W   U S E R   G R O U P   O R G 

         A L A D D I N   4 D   A V A I L A B L E   O N   C D 

   S P O N T A N E O U S   C O M B U S T I O N   F I R E D   U P !

       F X S C A N   U P G R A D E S   F O R   D O W N L O A D

   I M A G E F X   4 . 5   S T U D I O   N O W   A V A I L A B L E 

    P O S E I D O N   2 . 2   R E A D Y   F O R   D O W N L O A D 

        S I M P L E M A I L   H A S   B E E N   U P D A T E D 

  E - T E A C H E R ,   F O R   L E A R N I N G   L A N G U A G E S 

 " G O R K Y   1 7 "   L I C E N S E D   F O R   A M I G A   O S   4 

            L A T E S T   W I N U A E   I S   0 . 8 . 2 3 

    A N E S   D E V E L O P M E N T   E N D E D ,   B U T   . . . 
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 First, Happy New Year to all who use the calendar we do here. May the
upcoming year be the best ever for you, and may you enjoy all the
Amiga goodies that could possibly interest you.
 It's been a long year in many ways but a good one as well. The
community is still sound, Amiga OS 4.0 continues its slow but
compelling march to completion and the future looks bright. There have
been enough new product announcements to keep things humming, and all
in all, we enjoyed it here at "Amiga Update". We hope you had as much
fun as we did.

 I have to say a special "thank you" to several readers, and add a
"wow!" to the thanks. Last issue we responded to an e-mail and
confirmed that issue 980515 was missing from our archives. As folks
who've figured out our Really Clever Numbering System surely know,
that issue was from May of 1998, quite old, so we figured there was
little chance of recovery. Well, we were very wrong! Several readers
sent us copies of the missing issue and it is now firmly ensconced in
our archives again. Many thanks to all who took the time to send a
copy our way. I'm not sure what to make of the fact that we have
readers who actually have saved issues going so far back, but I'm
taking it as a sign we've provided some small value along the way and
I'm certainly impressed.

 December has been a month of software announcements, some of updates
to longstanding Amiga "blockbuster" programs. That's great to see, and
hints at things to come we hope. The most important announcement of
all probably comes from our friends in Belgium regarding the Developer
Pre-release of Amiga OS 4.0. It's our lead story for obvious reasons.
 Hope you enjoy this issue and stay with us as we journey into what
should be the most important Amiga year in a very long while.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

   Hi Brad!

   I was just reading the latest AU and you wrote the following 

> November has brought nothing very exciting to the Amiga community,
>but life goes on and the seemingly endless effort to get a production
>version of OS 4.0 to the world continues. In fact, it seems to be
>ongoing with a continuing sense of confidence on the part of those
>involved. That sense of confidence is what keeps me upbeat that we
>will get there, and it will be worth the trip. Read the excerpts we
>have from the interview with Alan Redhouse from Eyetech for a sample
>of what I mean.

 As a beta tester and part time developer, I'd like to say to you to
continue to stay upbeat! It really is coming along nicely and as an OS
it feel really nice to use. It'll happen, so just hang in there! :-)

   Good work with AU as well;  I always make sure to read it.  :-)

 The "feeling" of your note is great and much like we're getting from
everyone involved with OS 4.0 - much confidence, and a sense of real
pride and even joy in what's been done and about to be available to
all. Thanks for sharing it with us, and helping to keep the feeling so
positive. As our first story below shows, things really are coming to
a head. It's a good time to be an Amigan.
 Also pleased you enjoy reading AU. Glad to have you with us as we
start another year of "Amigaing" (is that a word?)

    D E V E L O P E R   4 . 0   T O   B E   D I S T R I B U T E D 

Leuven, Belgium. - December 25, 2003

 Hyperion Entertainment and the OS 4.0 development team are pleased to
announce that OS4 development has now sufficiently advanced for a
comprehensive Developer Pre-release of Amiga OS 4.0 to be distributed
to all current AmigaOne owners shortly after the New Year.
 In view of the fact that quite a few of you reminded us that you do
not have broadband internet access, the original idea to offer an
initial version of OS 4.0 for download was abandoned in favor of an
"easy to install", self-contained distribution on CD.
 Whilst this will obviously entail more cost to Hyperion and require
more time for duplication and distribution, the upside is that we will
be able to provide developers with everything they need to start
developing for OS 4.0.
 The developer material will include sample source-code, an initial
version of the AmigaOS 4.0 SDK as well as native OS 4.0 compilers (GCC
2.95.3, GCC 3.4 and VBCC) and cross-compilers for various platforms
(Linux x86/PCC, Mac OS X etc.).
 The Developer Pre-release will require an upgrade of the AmigaOne
firmware which was bumped from U-Boot 0.1.1 to U-Boot 1.0 and which is
currently undergoing final testing.
 Further details will be announced shortly.
 Hyperion Entertainment and the OS 4 development team would like to
take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support
and patience.
 The fact that you are still here, 10 years after the demise of
Commodore, has been a tremendous encouragement to us during these 2
years of laborious development.
 Make no mistake: your patience will finally be rewarded with the
fastest and most powerful incarnation of AmigaOS ever.

Merry X-mas and a prosperous 2004 to all of you!

A M I G A   S E T T I N G   U P   N E W   U S E R   G R O U P   O R G 

 Calling All User Groups!

 Dec 17, 2003 - Community has always been the backbone of the Amiga
platform; indeed, without it, the platform would have folded long ago.
With AmigaOS4.0 approaching release, the community has taken a lead
once again, with dedicated individuals and user groups throughout the
world working to show AmigaOS4.0 running on AmigaOnes.
 We are now at a stage where we are looking to bring the user groups
together into a more formal forum, providing feedback to Amiga, Inc.
on how best it can support the user groups whilst also allowing the
user groups to be able to bind themselves together in a mutual
organization for self help and support.
 This new organization will be a crucial element in the growth of the
Amiga platform as AmigaOS4.0 is released and the community begins to
expand. We are thus making a call to all user groups to submit their
details via the form on Amiga's website so that we can begin the
construction of this organisation and get the resources in place to
service it.


         A L A D D I N   4 D   A V A I L A B L E   O N   C D 

10 December, 2003 

 Nova Design, Inc., leaders in graphics software for the Amiga for
over ten years, announced the new release of Aladdin 4D on CDROM
thanks to help from user Ed Vishoot!
 Aladdin 4D is the Amiga's fastest 3D-animation package and comes with
sophisticated modeling tools included! If you want wild 3D special
effects you'll find Aladdin 4D even comes with advanced tools like
volumetric gases and particle systems!
 You want other advanced features? How about : Spotlights! Negative
lights! Configurable photo-realistic soft shadows! Hierarchical,
spline based, motion paths! Real-time texture previews! Multiple level
anti-aliasing! Motion blur and more!
What's on the CD?
 We've included the complete Aladdin 4D with all the latest upgrades
including advanced 3D object loading that can import loads of 3D
object formats!
 We've also included our web site with the entire library of Aladdin's
Lamp newsletters in HTML format with all demo and sample projects!
 You're getting one of the best Amiga 3D packages with an enormous
library of tutorials, projects, sample objects, textures, 3D fonts,
and more - all included at one price!
 Plus we've included our entire FTP site on the disc as well!

Upgrade Pricing

 Here's the best part - the upgrade is only a low $29.95 for owners of
Aladdin 4D 5.0 or later. Brand new Aladdin 4D packages, with CDROM,
are only $99.95.
 Iif you wish to order directly you can call 1-800-IMAGE-69 or (804)
282-1157, or fax your order to (804) 282-3768 or just mail it to Nova
Design, Inc., 1910 Byrd Avenue, Suite 204, Richmond, VA 23230 USA


   S P O N T A N E O U S   C O M B U S T I O N   F I R E D   U P !

 Chicago, Illinois -- Dec 30, 2003 -- DiscreetFX LLC Inc., Real-time
Broadcast Quality Visual Effects developer for the Amiga/Video Toaster
Flyer and MorphOS, releases the Amiga/Video Toaster 4000/Flyer/MorphOS
version of Spontaneous Combustion.
 DiscreetFX Releases Spontaneous Combustion; Amiga/Video Toaster
4000/Flyer & MorphOS version. A New Real-Time Fire, Smoke & Explosion
Effects Library and Digital Video Effects (DVE) collection.
Information about Spontaneous Combustion:
 Spontaneous Combustion is selling for $129.95 but is available for
the special price of $49.95 only till the end of 2003. Thats right we
are still going to honor the PreOrder price even though it is now
shipping but you have to hurry if you're interested since this offer
is only good until midnight December 31st 2003. We are even crazy
enough to include Free Shipping. As many of you know Andy Panagouleas
was hurt badly in August 2003. He has been stuck home these many
months recovering and unable to go back to school. Andy asked to help
with the development of this version of Spontaneous Combustion since
he is a big Amiga and Video Toaster owner/fan. Andy's hard work helped
get the product done in time for 2003 and he receives a % of all
 Spontaneous Combustion: The unofficial sequel to the Amiga/Video
Toaster Flyer version of Pyromania from Bill Panagouleas and Andy
Panagouleas. In development for over two years Spontaneous Combustion
gives you much more than just fire, explosion and smoke effects.
Rendered on Silicon Graphics O2 and Octane systems @ 4000 X 4000
resolution and quadra down sampled to full overscan uncompressed D1
video (720 X 486), you won't have to sacrifice quality. More frames,
more depth, more realism. Over 40 unique Real-time effects, many never
before seen for any video editing system including Sexy Smoke,
Ultimate Explosion, Big Shooting Star, Car Crash, Flame Columns,
Streaking Comet, TNT, Detonate, Phlogiston and Apocalypse.
 Amiga/Video Toaster 4000/Flyer & MorphOS version includes.
 1. Forty Real-time Broadcast Quality Fire Effects in Amiga Video
Toaster 4000 DVE format.
 2. Forty animated Video Toaster Flyer clip files that can be used for
advanced Compositing with the Video Toaster Flyer, Lightwave
ToasterPaint 4.0 or Aura.

 3. Forty animated Amiga Anim files that can be used as an overlay on
video with any Amiga the has a Genlock. These Anim files can also be
used under MorphOS or Amiga OS 3.1-4.0 with Amiga/ MorphOS animation
software that supports the Anim standard like ImageFX 4.5 and others.
 4. Complete 24 bit IFF image sequences of all Real-time effects
included. Can be used with any Amiga/ MorphOS software that supports
IFF 24.
 For more information please call toll-free @ 1 (800) 852-0930 or send
an e-mail to sales@discreetfx.com. Payments can also be sent via
Paypal to sales@discreetfx.com
 If you wish to pay by check or none Paypal credit card you can, just
contact us first toll-free @ 1 (800) 852-0930 If you need our snail
mail address it's @ http://www.discreetfx.com/Contactinfo.htm
 Spontaneous Combustion includes a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

 Please note Amiga/ Video Toaster 4000/Flyer & MorphOS version
includes bonus features and unique content not found in the Windows

 Spontaneous Combustion is the only new product released in 2003 for
the Amiga Video Toaster/Flyer. MorphOS is a new platform we are
supporting, please let us know when ordering if you use MorphOS. If we
get enough interest and support from MorphOS customers we will
continue to support this new operating system.
 More information and screenshots is also available at
 About DiscreetFX

 DiscreetFX creates Real-time transitions and effects seen on over 100
television programs including Blind Date, 5th Wheel, Shipmates, NFL,
Buffy the Vapire Slayer and more! You can also see DiscreetFX software
used on the following networks HBO, Showtime, Discovery Channel, PBS,
Fox and many more!

Best regards

Bill Panagouleas



bill AT discreetfx DOT com


       F X S C A N   U P G R A D E S   F O R   D O W N L O A D

 2 Dec 2003 

In the download-area of IOSPIRIT an update-archive from version 4.0,
4.01, 4.02, 4.03 and 4.04 of fxSCAN to V4.05 is now available for

Changes include:

  * PNG-support (loading and saving)
  * the saving format last used is reused
  * MorphOS-adaptions: support for the MorphOS-skinsystem
  * MorphOS-adaptions: WarpUP-warning does no longer appear
  * multiple starts will switch to the already running application
  * bugfixes

A detailed list of changes can be found in the update archive.

fxSCAN 4 is currently available at a special price of 29,00 EUR.


   I M A G E F X   4 . 5   S T U D I O   N O W   A V A I L A B L E 

12 December, 2003

 Nova Design, Inc., leaders in graphics software for the Amiga for
over ten years, announced the new release of ImageFX 4.5 Studio for
the Amiga and Pegasos platforms.
 ImageFX 4.5 Studio is an all-in-one release of ImageFX 4.0, 4.5,
PowerStation and numerous other upgrades to make a the Amiga's most
comprehensive image editing and special effects package even more
complete than ever.

What's new in 4.5 Studio?

 In ImageFX 4.5 we introduced a completely new animation system that
added a whole new suite of pre-rendered effects faster than anything
else around has today. This new system is called the the Keyframe
Manager. It can load GIF animations, ANIMS, AnimBrushes, and sequences
of frames in many formats and animate them onto your video and
animation sequences directly. But that's not all, you can also:
 . Keyframe the animation to follow any path over your entire
animation . Keyframe one point, two points or up to four points .
Manipulate keyframes directly on the preview screen or input exact
coordinates . Apply one of four types of motion blurring . Use any
drawing mode, style or edge controls . Preview the animation in
wireframe in real-time . Load and save projects . Use Keyframes with
your own ARexx EOT scripts (samples supplied) . Call any ARexx effect
or learned script on every frame
 PowerStation has also now been included and upgraded over previous
releases. PowerStation is a package of ImageFX modules designed to
work directly with the PowerPC natively. This speeds up the specific
modules ten times or more the speed of the same module running on a
native 68060 processor. In many cases the effects become nearly

 . Liquid - distorts your image as if it were on water . Fire - adds
animatable fire on your image . Clouds - multilayer clouds and fog .
Bubble - champagne bubbles and more . JPEG Loader/Saver - load and
save JPEG images FAST! . Gaussian Blur - our famous blur - now really
really fast . Lightning - Realistic lightning or Hollywood effect .
FXForge - uses Photoshop Filter Factory formulas for hundreds of

MorphOS Compatibility

 We've made ImageFX fully compatible with MorphOS. All the
PowerStation modules work natively - at speeds far faster than
previously possible under Cyberstorm or Blizzard PPC cards. We also
have MorphOS 32bit icons courtesy of Andre Siegel!
 You'll also find our entire web site and ftp site on the CD as well
to save you download time and give you direct access to our
newsletters on the disc.

Upgrade Pricing

 Here's the best part - the upgrade is only a low $39.95 for owners of
ImageFX 4.x. If you own ImageFX 3.x the upgrade to the latest release
is only $59.95. ImageFX 2.x owners can upgrade right through and get
the latest for only $79.95. Amazing!
 If you wish to order directly you can call 1-800-IMAGE-69 or (804)
282-1157, or fax your order to (804) 282-3768 or just mail it to Nova
Design, Inc., 1910 Byrd Avenue, Suite 204, Richmond, VA 23230 USA

    P O S E I D O N   2 . 2   R E A D Y   F O R   D O W N L O A D 

14 December 2003 

 Dear Poseidon users,

 It's my pleasure to annouce that Poseidon is available as a new
version V2.2. It can be downloaded from
 After my seven months break due to my diploma thesis, I have reworked
the HID class quite a bit. It now supports digital and analogue
joypads via the lowlevel.library. Moreover, the class now supports
changing of HID Output and Feature items (i.e. for keyboard LEDs or
Force Feedback/Rumble joypads). Input values for items can now be
scaled and clipped and flipped. There is support for local and global
variables. The value that is used for the action can now also be
redirected to origin from these variables, timers, click counts, etc,
or randomly (e.g. for auto fire). Actions can now be triggered upon
definable condition codes, making it even more powerful (you want to
do a special action on three clicks with the middle mouse button, or
when shift is pressed?, no problem!). The default keyboard mapping can
now also be changed. All this comes with a price -- the GUI is now a
bit more complex. But no worries -- you don't have to use these
features, if you don't like to. The english version of the manual has
been updated a bit to reflect the changes -- unfortunately, the german
translation (done by Michael Böhmer) has been lost in a crash. I will
update the guide accordingly, but this will take some more time.
 Several classes have been updated, such as the massstorage.class. It
now has some new default settings and fall back options.

 The poseidon main library now fixes the problems created by broken
Olympus cameras not being bound to the MSD class. It now also tries to
assign better names to devices that don't come with string
 Trident has been rewritten into subclasses for the MorphOS mprefs and
is now a bit more stable (I hope).
 The installer script has been slightly updated and now contains
spanish strings, kindly translated by Dámaso Domínguez.
 The AddUSBHardware command now has an "ALL" option, allowing to take
the stack offline by just issuing an "AddUSBHardware REMOVE ALL" line
-- handy for game starting scripts.
 Finally, the device driver for the Algor has been optimized a bit,
and also a bug had been fixed.

That's it concerning the update.

 Now for something completely different. In August, I stopped taking
registrations, because Elbox treated me badly (as a summary) and I
hoped, that they would change their mind. I should have known better.
They kept selling their cards, even though they knew that the users
wouldn't be able to use them. They didn't care at all about the users
and their fate.
 As of today, the registration process is open again. Keyfiles can
again be obtained from me directly (cash or bank transfer, no credit
cards!). Please note that the licence fee has been increased a bit to
reflect the new features added. Of course, no new keyfile are required
for current users to use the V2.2 version.
 IOSpirit will offer a bundle for ArakAttack users soon, details will
be announced by IOSpirit in a few days (please don't bugger them right
now). ArakAttack currently works on Amithlon and OpenPCI supported PCI
bridge boards for OHCI and UHCI PCI cards (and onboard USB). EHCI
(USB2.0) is being implemented and will be available later.
 ArakAttack currently does not work on Mediator boards, but means are
being prepared to get it running on these machines to offer a
high-quality USB driver for any PCI card (including the Spider).
 That's it for now. Hope you will enjoy the new Poseidon release and
have a merry xmas and a happy new year. Who knows, maybe we will see
many nice things happing during 2004. Such as the AmigaOS4 release or
the Pegasos II.
 Stay healthy! There's still much to come.

Regards, Chris Hodges (http://www.platon42.de)

 {Note: discussion on the net after this anouncement was made cleared
up the question of whether you really could register a keyfile for a
Spider card. The answer is yes. Brad}

        S I M P L E M A I L   H A S   B E E N   U P D A T E D 

24 December, 2003

 SimpleMail is a new mailer for the Amiga classic platform but it is
intended to be as portable as possible so there speaks nothing against
a MorphOS or even Windows version.
 In the current state, SimpleMail is an alpha version but it is very
stable however as we try to implement every feature so that it works
and go then on to the next one. However, SimpleMail grows very fast
and with your help it can overgrow YAM soon.
 You will always find the latest versions (which are not necessarily
placed in the AMINET) at the website:
 If you have any questions or bugs then send them to the
user-mailinglist please, whose URL you'll find in the links. Bug
reports should submitted to the Bug Tracking system. But if you have
encouragements so send them to one of the main developers. You can
find our e-mail addresses in contact.


Version 0.21 of SimpleMail released! The changes are:

 Can import mbox files
 Fixed memory leaks (bgol)
 Layout of important list elememts are now stored via "Settings/Save
Settings" too (bgol)
 Basic Remote Filter: Mails which matches a filter are ignored
 SimpleHTML support code is now inside a shared library
 Ported to OS4
 Describes now how spam itentfication can be used within the guide
 Bug fixes and minor other improvements (see trackers at sf)
 The SimpleMail Team wishes you all a merry christmas and a happy new


  E - T E A C H E R ,   F O R   L E A R N I N G   L A N G U A G E S 

21 December, 2003

 Fun Time World is proud to announce that we are responsible for the
distribution of ETeacher 6.20, a multimedia trainer for learning
different languages. With version 6.20 ETeacher is outstanding on the
Amiga, since you have the chance to learn with the help of pictures
and short animations. The new version comes along with 16-bit high
quality samples; as well in englisch and german language.
 With the help of the multimedia training on the one and special tests
on the other side, the training with ETeacher will cause a lot of fun.
ETeacher can be used by adults and children, because it it is not only
flexible but as well very easy to use. Graphic- and soundcards are
supported as a matter of fact by ETeacher.


- more than 200 training sheets

- 3 hours of 16-bit sound samples

- 1000 illustrations

- kontext-sensitiv grammer help

- full configurable

- support for modern hardware such as graphic- and soundcards

More information and screenshots can be found on the internet

Special offer until the 5.1.04:

- Englisch - 29,90 Euro (afterwards: 35,- Euro)
- Deutsch - 29,90 Euro (afterwards: 35,- Euro)
- both versions - 50,- Euro (afterwards: 59,90 Euro)

ETeacher can be ordered by E-Mail (mail@funtime-world.de),
Fax (0209 - 95 717 865),phone (0209 - 95 717 884)
or online in the online-shop of Fun Time World.

 " G O R K Y   1 7 "   L I C E N S E D   F O R   A M I G A   O S   4 

Leuven, Belgium. - December 25, 2003

 Hyperion Entertainment and Metropolis Software have extended their
existing license agreement for "Gorky 17", Metropolis´ critically
acclaimed RPG/Strategy title, to cover not only Linux but also the
upcoming AmigaOS 4.
 Gorky 17 is a horror conspiracy game mixing elements of strategy and
RPG gameplay. The player commands a small group of NATO soldiers who
must reveal the mystery behind the sudden appearance of hybrid
creatures in a small Polish city named Lubin. The city is being
terrorized, the area is surrounded by NATO troops and media from all
over the world, and the first group sent into the city disappears
without a trace. The main hero of the story is the 40-year old soldier
Cole Sullivan, a commando team member with extensive scientific
knowledge. His team´s task: to explain the hybrids´ presence and to
find the missing members of Group One. But that, of course, is just
the beginning...
 The AmigaOS 4.0 port is already well under way as can be seen on the
screenshots on Hyperion Entertainment's website.
 The Amiga and Linux ports are being carried out by Steven Fuller and
Joe Tennies who are recent "converts" to the Amiga platform after they
recently joined the Hyperion Entertainment game development team.
 Steven Fuller and Joe Tennies have an impressive track-record in the
field of Linux (gaming) related development.


           L A T E S T   W I N U A E   I S   0 . 8 . 2 3 

11 December, 2003

 The latest release of WinUAE (0.8.23), the Amiga Emulator for PCs has
been made available today.

New in this release are:

Bugs fixed:

 mousebutton getting stuck randomly when WinUAE lost focus
 floppy drives' state was not restored fully
 fixed crash when switching from 68000 to JIT-mode
 bsdsocket browser freezes/slowdowns
 SPTI CDROM media change detection
 parallel port joystick adapter works properly again
 saving state in ce-mode with blitter active created broken state
 serial port/MIDI randomly lost received characters

New features:

 maprom emulation (BlizKick support)
 first CDROM is always uaescsi.device unit zero, second is zero etc..
and then other non-CDROM SCSI devices.
 improved priority settings
 improved filter options
 compatibility improvements
 bsdsocket emulation improved (Jabberwocky)
 faster Picasso96 solid window moves
 improved AHI emulation
 IRQ level 7 shortcut in input-tab
 percentage of CPU in use -meter added next to FPS-counter
 immediate state save (no need to exit the GUI anymore)
 dropped release numbers

 You can find the latest details on the WinUAE website, and you can
download the Installer or Zip versions following those links.


    A N E S   D E V E L O P M E N T   E N D E D ,   B U T   . . . 



 Don't you miss the old times when there were trainers available for
almost every Amiga game released? I sure miss those times. Why aren't
there any cool trainers available for our NES games? Dunno why so I
decided to code my very first trainer for the cool game "Mario Bros.".
Check out the "Hacks" section in the menu on the website to download
it (it's an IPS file so you'll need an IPS-patcher + the original ROM
file). The trainer even comes with a primitive menu (no fancy
graphics/sound yet, but hey, it was only made in a couple of hours :))
Feel free to e-mail me any feedback.


 That's nice. If I get this bounch of e-mail each time I kill a
project, I should start killing projects more often. :-) So, what's up
now, a few of you asked. To be honest, I am not quite sure really.
Time will tell if I decide to start working on something new. And can
someone PLEASE hurry up those guys and make AmigaOS4 run on
BlizzardPPC soon :) I'm pretty tired of talking to AmigaOS4
betatesters (have you noticed, they're obviously everywhere), I want
to try the OS myself. :p


 Everything that has a beginning has an end.
 Check out A/NES CGFX v1.33 *FINAL* in the download section. The
irritating mousepointer is now gone during play (took a long time to
fix but hope you enjoy it :)). Be sure to install the new library
anyway. If you for some reason want to contact me, feel free to send
me an e-mail (located elsewhere on thE website) It has been fun!
Thank you!
   /Morgan Johansson


 A/NES CGFX final version will be released this friday. Notice the
word "final". I guess a combination of lack of personal motivation and
public interest are the biggest reasons for this decision. I guess the
"public interest" bit is related to the close to non-existant Amiga
userbase today (which is a shame). And no, the source won't be
released. Anyway, watch out for the final version (it will only
contain minor changes). It has been fun! Thank you!

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2003 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
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