Short:        GUI for WarpView
Author:       Vicente 'Ami603' Gimeno (Ami603 AT terra DOT es)
Uploader:     Ami603 terra es (Vicente \'Ami603\' Gimeno (Ami6)
Type:         gfx/show
Version:      1.00
Requires:     OS4, WarpView, ReAction
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

This is a ReAction-GUI for the WarpView tool  made by Cobra

Installation: Simply unpack it and copy the WarpViewgui drawer contents into
your WarpView installation drawer.

Contributions are welcome, so i can motivate my Girlfriend(Almost Wife by now.)
to keep myself more time coding  ;)

Here's my paypal account:

Release Notes:

1.00 -.Beta Version.Made in just 1 hour before my snag party




I take no responsibility of any kind because of using/abusing this software
could cause 
to both your system and/or important data.Use it at your own risk.
This piece of software is released as freeware,you can redistribute it on any
you want, as long as this readme still remains with the main archive.


Vicente 'Ami603' Gimeno		-Gui coding.
Cobra					-WarpView tool ;)