Short:        RxMUI script to display/set wallpapers!
Uploader:     Mario
Type:         gfx/show
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


WallpaperViewer is an arexx script which uses RXMUI and RXWB to display Wallpapers.
Script opens a small window with a gfxpic class and displays (using datatypes) images
which user selects inside WB windows.

This script is Freeware but do not publish it modyfied without my permission!


Mario ( - no spam please!)
Thanks for betatesters!
Included NewWBPattern command is created by Deniil 715.


Copy the program where you want. Copy content of libs and MUI dirs to Libs: and Libs:MUI.
Copy the app inside the C dir into your C: dir.
Download and install RxMUI and RxWB packs from here:
and here:

This script is tested only on AmigaOS 3.9!


Run the program. :)
Open a directory in WB (not in Opus!) where you store backdrops.
Select an icon of one of them - you should see a thumbail of it.
Press one of the buttons to apply it to a wallpaper.
Click on a picture to show it in MultiView.
You can also delete a picture (or any selected in WB icon) using program menu (RMB).

Enjoy! :)