Short:        Play/show videos,animations,music,pics
Author: (CoderJack)
Uploader:     magicfactory operamail com (CoderJack)
Type:         gfx/show
Version:      0.92B
Requires:     Hollywood pluggins, datatypes, mpga.library.
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0
Distribution: Aminet

This multimedia player is programmed with Hollywood™ and it is  with part of
source code from Andreas Falkenhahn examples to VideoPlayer and AnimPlayer, I
make this little tool to demostrates the multimedia optios of this programming
language it isn't a sustitute of other best videoplayers but altmost.
  Also this a little tool to test the video formats supported for Hollywood™.

  V.A.M.P. display the next multimedia formats:
    * Amiga Anim formats: anim, anim5, ham6, ham8.
    * MovieSetter movies format.
    * Web Animation formats: Gif and apng.
    * Show pictures: jpg, png, gif, lbm, bmp, svg.
    * Video formats: cdxl,ogg, avi, mov, mpeg, mpg, wmv, flv, mp4, DivX, mkv
                     and vob, the webm isn't supported.
    * Play music&sound files: mp3, mod, 8svx, 16sv, iff, wav, wave, riff, ogg.

  Note: The plugins are need to use as source to decompress the video formats
for V.A.M.P. player as with other players.