Short:        V1.16, read-view-print TIFF/MacPaint/JPEG/GIF/IFF
Uploader:     bert wynants innet be
Type:         gfx/show
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a utility to read, view and print TIFF, MacPaint, GIF & IFF,
JPEG and any other image type you have a DataType for, and to write
them back as TIFF, JPEG, IFF files.

  Fixed guru on 68000 machines, 1.15 would only work correctly on
	 a 68030+ (Thanks to Bill Bennett and others for reporting)
  Fixed bad icon in 1.15 archive (Thanks to Rudy Kohut for reporting)
	 Sorry, it's back the old icon, nothing fancy :-)
  Fixed broken IFF reading
  Changed email adress
