Short:        Scaling datatypes picture viewer. Release 3
Author:       Chris Lawrence <>
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Improved ARexx port and documentation from last public release.

ShowDT 2.4 (28.8.94) -- Scaling Datatypes Picture Viewer

ShowDT is a viewer for any datatypes-supported picture format.
Currently, there are datatypes for ILBM (including HAM and HAM8, but not
IFF24), PCX, GIF, JPEG, BMP and MacPaint format images, with more on the
way (these datatypes are available separately; on Aminet, they are in the
os30/dtype directory).

This viewer also supports proportional scaling to screen size of pictures. 
This works best for scaling down (up to about 60 to 70%) and up (to about 
120%). Further expansion and contraction produces distorted areas in the
picture. The effect is best with pictures with many colors and which do not
contain text.


ShowDT is Copyright (C) 1994 Chris Lawrence. This picture viewer is freely
distributable, provided that the executable is not modified or renamed and
that this documentation file is included. Permission is given to change the
icons of the files to more accurately reflect your application and/or to
improve appearance (MagicWB, etc).

Further copyright information is contained in the file

Contacting the author:

Snail Mail:

Chris Lawrence
Box 574060
Georgetown University
Washington DC 20057-4060
United States

BUG REPORTS: (Please give as much info as you can)
             Fastest response will be via EMail.

Internet mail: