Short: Very fast PowerPC (WarpOS) JPEG-Viewer Author: (Stefan Robl) Uploader: stefan robl tirnet de (Stefan Robl) Type: gfx/show Version: 1.22 Architecture: ppc-warpup Description ----------- This program is a simple but very fast jpeg viewer for Amigas having a PPC inside and WarpOS running. The viewer supports as far as I know all image types of JPEG and opens a window on a public screen (default: default public screen). The public screen must be running under CyberGraphX or Picasso96 in Hi/True-Color (>=15 Bit). PPCjpeg is also able to display images which are bigger than your Workbench screen, you can scroll around in the image (using scroll-bars and/or the cursor keys). The cursor key-scrolling supports the following types: - 20-pixel scrolling (just press the cursor keys) - 200-pixel scrolling (press SHIFT together with the cursor keys) - single pixel scrolling (ALT and the cursor keys) - "border jumping" (ALT, SHIFT and the cursor keys together) The program also displays the file name, size (pixels), raw-size (kb/MB) and the type (COLOR, GRAYSCALE) of the loaded JPEG image. PPCjpeg also supports to save the decoded image as PPM-file (just use the menu entry "Save as PPM..."). Usage ----- PPCjpeg File/M,Left/N,Top/N,Width/N,Height/N,Center/S,AbortLeft/S,PubScreen/K File : filename of an JPEG-image or nothing -> FileRequester Left, Top : left/top-Edge of the window (optional) Width, Height: max. width/height of the window (optional) Center : centers the window on the screen (optional) AbortLeft : close the window with a simple left mousebutton click PubScreen : name of a Hi/TrueColor-Public Screen to open the window on (optional) Example: PPCjpeg dh4:image4.jpg Center (opens the picture "dh4:image4.jpg" centered on the workbench) Requirements ------------ o AmigaOS 3.x+ (successfully tested with OS 3.1 and 3.0) o CyberGraphX or Picasso96 with a Workbench running in HiColor (>=15 Bit) o enough RAM to hold the complete image data (>=32MB recommended!) o PowerPC-Board o WarpOS, successfully tested with WarpUP Release 3, but works also under V7 (Thanks to Robert Nilsson for reporting this to me!) WarpOS is available at under the PPC download area. Distribution ------------ PPCjpeg is FREEWARE. I would be happy to get an eMail if you like/use it or if you have any questions about this program. This JPEG viewer is based on the sources of the Independent JPEG Group (V6b). Future ------ - Multible file support for the requester & dos parameters - Additional fileformats - New GUI - Zooming - Rotation - and all of your ideas... ;) History ------- V1.0: (30.12.98) ** first public release ** V1.1: (02.01.99) - Added an ASL-Requester if no filename is specified Thanks to Lars Broweleit for this suggestion! - Added PublicScreen-support (keyword "PubScreen") Thanks again, Lars! - Removed the superbitmap-stuff and replaced it by own scrolling routines (-> much faster). This should save also a little bit memory... - Added <Esc> button event to close the window by keyboard Thanks to Audun Evensen for this suggestion! - Added full keyboard-support (scrolling with cursors, shift, alt) - Added the Keywords "Center", "Left", "Top", "Width", "Height" for pre-defined window-positions - Improvements of the error abort function - Now it's possible to save the decoded image as PPM-file! V1.11: (03.01.99) - dramatically speedup on window refreshes V1.12: (11.01.99) - Sven Ottemann told me that there are JPEG-images which cannot be shown with PPCjpeg V1.1, these image files have illegal headers, I changed a little bit to ignore those headers. Many thanks for this info, Sven! - Changed the window menu to newlook, forgot to set the flag... - Now PPCjpeg only displays the filename without the whole path in the window-titlebar V1.2: (15.01.99) - Fixed (finally) the bug which prevented PPCjpeg to read all jpeg files. The problem was an illegal jpeg format saved with "Adobe Photoshop"... I removed this problem by using the latest sources of "The Independent JPEG Group" (V6b). - Added the tooltype "AbortLeft" which allows to close the window with a simple left click on it... Thanks to Manfred Ambros for this idea, I like it! :) - Added wheelmouse support. This is yet untestet but it should work... Thanks to Audun E. for this idea! V1.21: (18.01.99) - Increased the jumps with wheelmouse by three (Thanks Audun!). - Finally removed the NewLookMenu-bug... well, CGX displayed it on my computer always right... grrr... :) (Thanks to Tim Riedel!) V1.22: (17.03.99) - Removed a problem with refreshing window, now it should work correctly. Thanks Audun for reporting this... ;) - Added the new mousewheel (left-right)-functions provided by newmouse (by Alessandro Zummo). Thanks Audun! - PPCjpeg should now be about at least 8-10% faster than 1.21 and below because I now use the newest StormC linkerlibs... ;) I also raised the height of the decode-stripe to 150 pixels, this minimizes the context switches a little bit more and I think that decoding is now even faster... :) Author ------ Stefan Robl <> More infos about ArtecScan, PPCjpeg and my other Projects? Just visit my Homepage: Have fun!