Short: Ultimate MPEG video player Author: Miloslaw Smyk, Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz, Przemyslaw Gruchala Uploader: Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz <elf frogger rules pl> Type: gfx/show Version: 1.63 Replaces: gfx/show/?rogger.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup; ppc-powerup; ppc-morphos Www: Short ------ Frogger is the ultimate MPEG video player, with MPEG-2 layer support. Frogger was oryginally relased by Miloslaw Smyk (, recently, the development has been taken over by Sebasian Jedruszkiewicz ( Additional programming was made by Przemyslaw Gruchala. Changes in this release ------------------------ Please refer to the guide inside this archive (english veersion contains up-to date version history.