Short:        Spool ANIM5 (DPaint etc) anims from disk
Author:       Jamie Montgomerie, 5 Thornfield Cres., Earlston, TD4 6EA, UK.
Uploader:     Martin Schulze (schulze phil uni-sb de)
Type:         gfx/show
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

EmSpool is an anim spooler for ANIM 5 type animation files, e.g. those
produced by DPaint.  It loads the anim frame-by-frame and displays the 
frame as soon as it can, It can't cope properly with multi-palette 
animations or AGA files, though it does make attempts at playing them. It 
seems to me to be faster and a lot less jerkey than many other spoolers I 
have seen.  It will even display some animations that PPShow and VT won't.