Short:        Manipulate Exif JPEG header/thumbnail
Author:       Matthias Wandel
Uploader:     Piotr Bandurski <ami_stuff o2 pl>
Type:         gfx/misc
Version:      2.90
Replaces:     gfx/misc/jhead-2.87-m68k.lha
Requires:     020+881, ixemul.library v63+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4

Jhead 2.90

Jhead is a command line driven program for manipulating the non-image parts of Exif flavour JPEG
files that most digital cameras produce.

Jhead program Features

  o Extracting camera settings from Exif image files 
  o Able to set and/or adjust the Exif time field 
  o Manipulation (extract, replace, regenerate) of Exif integral thumbnails 
  o Transplant Exif image header from one JPEG to another 
  o Edit JPEG comment fields 
  o Automatically rotate images upright (using jpegtran) according to "orientation" tag. 
  o Manage running programs on large batches of Jpegs and restoring Exif header information afterwards. 
  o Display embedded GPS info (if present) 


68020+ with FPU
ixemul.library v63+

Amiga 68k port by Piotr Bandurski