Short:    SViewII V8.37 (1.7.99) - Part 6/8 (optional)
Author:   Andreas R. Kleinert
Type:     gfx/misc


 This is part 6/8 of the SuperView-II distribution, which consists of
 the following parts:

    SvII-1.lha      Main program, Tools, SuperView-Library
    SvII-2.lha      Documentation files
    SvII-3a.lha     SVObjects (JPEG, PNG, PCX, BMP, ILBM)
    SvII-3b.lha     SVObjects (other - OPTIONAL)
    SvII-4.lha      SVDrivers
    SvII-5.lha      SVOperators

    SvII-6.lha      OPTIONAL SVOperators by SQ
    SvII-7.lha      OPTIONAL 68020+ optimized SV modules
    SvII-8.lha      OPTIONAL language localizations (except english/german)

 All parts are (C) 1993-99 by Andreas R. Kleinert. All rights reserved.
 Parts only are allowed to be distributed together, not solely.

 Distribution and other legal conditions are to be obtained from the
 documentation as found in the second archive.

 To get the complete distribution, un-archive each of the single
 archives into the same directory:

    LHA x [archive].lha RAM:

 This will result in a directory called "SViewII" from where the
 installation script can be started. Note, that this won't work,
 if you did not un-archive all of the (non-OPTIONAL) archives...
