Short:        IFF-ILBM Picture Clipper
Author: (L.McDonald)
Uploader:     SysOp acs commo mcnet de (Alexander Wild)
Type:         gfx/misc
Version:      V1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: FREEWARE

                                ©1995 MMC
                         (Mister Mac Creations)
                             Loren McDonald
   Do you have AGA pictures and no way to edit them (cutting them down to
size I mean)? AGA pictures with more than one picture or just a bunch of
extra junk and one small good looking section. Are the pictures taking up
too much space? Then Quickclip is for you. It need not be an AGA picture
any IFF-ILBM can be loaded and clipped. ALL native Amiga modes are suported.

   It couldn't be simpler than this:

   The following instructions are printed into the shell or a window (if
   started on the workbench:
QuickClip V1.0 (C)MMC 3.95
1. Choose an IFF file from file requester. CANCLE Quits.
2. Once the IFF is loaded click LMB to start the
   clipping BOX. RMB Cancles. [Go To #1]
3. Pull the BOX around the area you want then click the LMB
   to set the clip. RMB Cancles. [Go To #1]
4. Your clip alone will now be shown on a new Screen
   LMB=Save it. [Go To #5]
   RMB=Cancle Do not save it. [Go to #1]
5. A File Requestor to save your clip will appear. If you
   use an existant filename you will be asked R-U-Sure?
WARNING: This is a quick Clip. HAM(8) is not RE-Fringed.
  This means Clips of HAM(8) WILL be trashed on the left!!!

   This program requires the arp.library and has only been tested with
   WB3.0. I have no idea if they will work on earlier systems.

   I am not asking anyone for anything except - This is E-MailWare. A
   simple note to me so I know what you think of it! Any ideas you may
   have for improvment are also welcome and encouraged.

Known BUGS:
   As of this writing I have found nothing.

   Should you find ANY bugs Please inform me! Also include your system
   setup and any programs which running at the same time
