populoushd.lha |
game/patch |
589 |
15K |
1998-11-03 |
HD-Install+Fix for Populous by Bullfrog - (readme) |
PPHammerCheat.lha |
game/patch |
574 |
33K |
1998-02-16 |
Play every level of PPHammer - (readme) |
Qboost1.lha |
game/patch |
634 |
134K |
1998-12-24 |
Quakeboost - better framerate for Quake! - (readme) |
Qboost1upd.lha |
game/patch |
615 |
156K |
1999-01-20 |
Qboost1 => Qboost2fix - Quake Speedup - (readme) |
Qboost2fix.lha |
game/patch |
619 |
649K |
1999-01-21 |
Qboost2 update+fix, Best Quake speedup - (readme) |
Qboost3.lha |
game/patch |
650 |
342K |
1999-03-06 |
Qboost3, Best Quake speedup! - (readme) |
Qboost4.lha |
game/patch |
748 |
336K |
1999-06-30 |
Qboost v4 (Quake speedup) - (readme) |
qlauncher.lha |
0.4 |
game/patch |
587 |
17K |
1998-12-31 |
Easy and useful launcher for Quake - (readme) |
Quakedm.lha |
game/patch |
520 |
164K |
1998-06-30 |
Demolition Man V0.1Beta for Quake. - (readme) |
QuakePPC.lha |
game/patch |
852 |
1K |
1998-11-06 |
Quake PPC-Patch was illegal - (readme) |
Quake_French.lha |
game/patch |
563 |
12K |
1998-09-03 |
Updated French Quake.catalog file - (readme) |
Quake_TUR.lha |
game/patch |
500 |
9K |
1998-07-14 |
Updated Turkish Quake.Catalog File - (readme) |
QuikyCheater.lha |
game/patch |
435 |
34K |
1997-08-16 |
Play every level of Tricky Quiky - (readme) |
RallyPatch.lha |
game/patch |
508 |
19K |
1997-05-15 |
Buy everything for free at RallyCship - (readme) |
RebootStartV42.lha |
4.2 |
game/patch |
1625 |
59K |
2003-04-16 |
Degrader & run any game from Workbench - (readme) |
ReLock.lha |
1.31 |
game/patch |
451 |
4K |
1999-07-10 |
Makes MuFS (+ others) accept weird locks - (readme) |
Rokfix138.lha |
game/patch |
415 |
111K |
1996-08-08 |
Roketz upgrade to V1.38 for registered users - (readme) |
RTInstall.lha |
game/patch |
883 |
21K |
2020-05-18 |
R-Type Hard Drive Installer - (readme) |
SCSAVE.lha |
game/patch |
447 |
11K |
1995-02-05 |
Millionaire Save Game for Sim City 2000 AGA - (readme) |
SetJoyPort.lha |
game/patch |
1156 |
6K |
2020-05-18 |
Allow games to use joypad controller - (readme) |
shadow060.lha |
Y3D V1.4 |
game/patch |
592 |
236K |
1998-01-26 |
060 and lowlevel.lib patch for TSOTM - (readme) |
shogo_red_crs.lha |
game/patch |
494 |
9K |
2001-11-05 |
11 red crosshairs for shogo demo (onfoot missions) - (readme) |
Shuf2_upd.lha |
game/patch |
458 |
146K |
2000-07-06 |
Shuffle 2 - Mysted -> update to version 1.20 - (readme) |
Shuf2_upd2.lha |
game/patch |
426 |
6K |
2001-05-28 |
Shuffle 2 Mysted final update - screenmode requester added - (readme) |
Shuf3_upd.lha |
game/patch |
447 |
7K |
2001-05-28 |
Shuffle 3 ART OF NATURE update - screenmode requester added - (readme) |
siedlerboot.lha |
game/patch |
520 |
7K |
1998-04-04 |
Siedler CD install. (AmigaPlus SCD 9/97) - (readme) |
SimCity2000pch.lha |
game/patch |
1707 |
41K |
1995-03-30 |
SimCity 2000 AGA patch v2 - (readme) |
Simon2-ITA.lha |
01-11-2001 |
game/patch |
466 |
8K |
2001-11-05 |
Italian manual for Simon The Sorcerer II - (readme) |
Simon2Upd5.lha |
Update 5 |
game/patch |
702 |
525K |
2019-08-12 |
Update patch for Simon the Sorcerer II - (readme) |
SKCheater.lha |
game/patch |
439 |
42K |
1997-07-03 |
Play every level of SoccerKid AGA - (readme) |
SlamMan.lha |
game/patch |
465 |
8K |
1999-02-19 |
Slamtilt Highscore Manager - (readme) |
slampch.lha |
1.0 |
game/patch |
502 |
40K |
1998-11-17 |
Bugfix for SlamTilt. By F.Ultra - (readme) |
SlamtiltJudge.lha |
1.4 |
game/patch |
441 |
28K |
1999-01-19 |
Imports slamtilt highscores. - (readme) |
SLAMTILT_Join.lha |
game/patch |
477 |
4K |
1996-11-08 |
Join hiscores for SLAMTILT. - (readme) |
SmartPortUpd.lha |
game/patch |
590 |
192K |
1993-12-13 |
Patches games to be ANALOG compatible - (readme) |
SMC.lha |
game/patch |
447 |
30K |
1999-05-15 |
SWOS Money Cheat (tested with 95/96) - (readme) |
South_PARK.lha |
1.0 i spose |
game/patch |
460 |
72K |
1998-09-24 |
South Park Collection for Revenge_AGA - (readme) |
SpaceHulkToHD.lha |
game/patch |
463 |
7K |
1995-07-28 |
Run Space Hulk from HD. Needs 1MB chip RAM, 1 MB fast. - (readme) |
SperisLegacyCh.lha |
game/patch |
441 |
42K |
1997-06-05 |
Play every level of Speris Legacy - (readme) |
spyvsspyinstal.lha |
game/patch |
388 |
11K |
1997-01-16 |
HD-Install for Spy_vs_Spy I! - (readme) |
SQ1-fix.lha |
1.0 |
game/patch |
462 |
17K |
1998-08-31 |
Installable Space Quest 1 - (readme) |
SQ2-pch.lha |
1.0 |
game/patch |
484 |
22K |
1998-08-31 |
SQ2 patch (Removed Name-of-the-Player) - (readme) |
SSDCheater.lha |
game/patch |
453 |
34K |
1997-08-16 |
Play every tunnel of Super Stardust CD32 - (readme) |
StarCrusaderPa.lha |
game/patch |
800 |
20K |
2020-05-18 |
Speedup patch for Star Crusader - (readme) |
streetracerhd.lha |
game/patch |
668 |
6K |
1998-03-08 |
Loader update for Street Racer CD edition V1.1 - (readme) |
StripFighterPatch.lha |
1.2 |
game/patch |
1602 |
2.8M |
2006-03-08 |
Patch for Strip Fighter game - (readme) |
STS2-ITA.lha |
01-11-2001 |
game/patch |
465 |
8K |
2001-11-01 |
Italian manual for Simon The Sorcerer II - (readme) |
StuntsSetUp.lha |
1.0 |
game/patch |
470 |
62K |
1998-12-27 |
Highscore for different cars in Stunts. - (readme) |
sushi68k.lha |
1.0 |
game/patch |
447 |
288K |
2000-01-07 |
Surgeon\'s Ultimate Speedup Hacks for 68K Quake - (readme) |
SushiCombat.lha |
game/patch |
538 |
1.9M |
1999-12-13 |
Quake competition servermod v1.0 beta2 - (readme) |