Short:        XTreme Racing uncrunched season files
Author:       Silltunna Software Ltd.
Uploader:     rich xtreme demon co uk (Richard Whittall)
Type:         game/patch
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

What do they do?

These allow you to edit cups/seasons and add your own, there are a few
restrictions to watch out for (they are also commented in the season files),
the main restrictions are:

Maximum of 12 cups (of 5 tracks - 4 race, 1 bonus)
Maximum of 6 seasons (with up to 4 cups in each)

We offer no other instructions - just follow our example, and BACK-UP YOUR
If you make a mistake in the file, the game won't run.

The season file doesn't have to be crunched to run, these uncrunched versions
will work fine with the game unless you mess them up.


In each of the four drawers in this archive is an uncrunched XTR Season

The drawers correspond to a specific version of XTreme Racing:

XTR - season file for the original XTR
XTR&DemoTracks - season file for the original XTR and Aminet upgrade
  Deeeeemmooo cup tracks
XTR_D-D&DemoTks - season file for XTR and the data-disk tracks and
  Aminet upgrade Deeeeemmooo cup tracks
XTR_Data-Disks - season file for XTR and the data-disk tracks

Copy the the version that applies to your XTR into the XTR:Misc drawer.

Richard Whittall  7 July 1996.