Short: Installable King's Quest 2 Author: (Timo Kaikumaa) Uploader: timok cc tut fi (Timo Kaikumaa) Type: game/patch Version: 1.2 Replaces: game/patch/KQ2-fix* Requires: OS1+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos In their very first Amiga adventures made during the years 1986 and 1987 Sierra used a somewhat nasty copy protection method. The game disk looked like a standard AmigaDos disk, but on it there was one file (whose name simply consisted of 8 spaces) with a deliberate read/write error. One couldn't execute the game unless the broken file was available. Although this was no problem when playing from the original disk, the unlucky user of more recent days will not be able to install the game on hard disk at all. But the fix is here. This patch will modify the game executable and remove all references to the protected file thus allowing the user to copy all game files wherever he or she wants to. Currently only one version of King's Quest 2 is supported, namely one from the year 1987 (there might be another version around made during the year 1986). Also the irritating problem that the game is not able to close its screen upon quiting when using OS 2.04 or newer is corrected. Note that Sierra recompiled their old titles in 1989. These versions should work and install nicely without any patches. Note also that this fix is only for the original King's Quest 2. If you have problems with other old (original) Sierra games, you can always write to me at <>.