Short:        Better savefiles for Civilization ECS
Author: (Marc Espie)
Uploader:     Marc Espie ens fr (Marc Espie)
Type:         games/patch
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Free

Small hack to manage Civilization savefiles, developped and tested
with Civilization ECS, may or may not work with AGA, depending on the
format of AGA savefiles.

System-friendly, depends upon Civilization multitasking availability.
Analyze civilization saves, and stores them as, e.g., 
Emperor Max of the Romans, 3900 BC.

On subsequent startup, prompt for such a save file.
Minimal hastle: once installed, you just have to save/reload games
from the RAM: disk for the hack to be activated. No patch to the
actual civilization game needed.

Source included, compiles with both gcc and SAS/C. Commented and clean
enough to use as an example.