Short:        Table football simulator
Author:       Paul Robson / MorphOS port by LouiSe
Uploader:     LouiSe <louise louise amiga hu>
Type:         game/2play
Version:      0.9.2
Requires:     powersdl.library
Architecture: ppc-morphos

Foosball ========

It's just a bit of harmless fun. 
It's also my first C++ program of more than three
lines, so the codings a bit iffy, 
and the menu code is rubbish really, just a bodge
that works. 
I wrote most of it in a couple of hours, 
and added the menu bits and
game wrapper function later so people 
could play it if they wanted to.

All suggestions welcome :)

How to play Foosball ====================

Select your game type with the mouse. The options are

1) 1 Player, 2 Player or Demo
2) A choice of team formations
3) A choice of three speeds
4) Number of goals required to win.

Players each have an up/down button and two fire buttons. These are :-

Player 1
    F (Up) C (Down) G (Fire 1) H (Fire 2)

Player 2
    Up and Down Arrows, 1 (Fire 1) 2 (Fire 2) [on the keypad]

To play the game, you kick the ball in the goal :). Player 1 kicks to the right,
Player 2 (or the Computer) to the Left.

You can trap the ball using Fire 1 - this swings the players back ready for
the ball and traps it within range, releasing the button kicks it in the
of movement of the players (towards the opposite goal).

To 'kick in passing' use Fire 2 - this does not allow you to trap the ball BUT
you kick it harder if you do make contact.

This game requires use the SDL Library

Paul Robson, October 2003