Short:        Multiplayer tactical tank battle
Author: (James Weatherall)
Uploader:     jnw22 cam ac uk (James Weatherall)
Type:         game/2play
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


   Warhost is a top-down Tank battle game for 1-4 players, plus computer
controlled enemy tanks and lovely squashable civilians.

   If you like things that go "bang" and "boom" and "kablam!" then you're
decidedly strange and probably an antisocial psychopathic type, but at least
you'll like the game.


   Copy the "Warhost" executable to your hard-drive.
   (Can also be run directly from your floppies, guvnor...)
   Run it by clicking on the icon or typing Warhost from the CLI.

   If you feel like having a nicer font, then copy the contents of the fonts
directory in the archive to your system FONTS: directory.


   Probably about 1/2 a Meg of RAM....


   a broken cheesegrater.


   Please do not try any of the stunts performed in the game at home!

   Remember : A tank is not a toy.  It's a large piece of artillery.

   Keep out of reach of small children!  Otherwise they may bite you!


   Squeeze lemon juice into your hard drive to get sharper response times.


All files included in this distribution are Copyright J.N.Weatherall 1996
and may be freely distributed as long as the archive is kept intact.  The
author accepts no responsibility for any claim that may result in personal
loss of happiness, temporary or otherwise.

Please note that if you intend to include Warhost on any 
commercial distribution then the executable and guide must remain intact and
the author must be notified either in writing (see the guide file) or via
email.  Thanks.

WEZ od S.C.R.O.T.U.M.