Short:        Datas needed for SuperDrive.
Author:       Sylvain Zangiacomi
Uploader:     szan club-internet fr
Type:         game/2play
Version:      1.0
Requires:     game/2play/Superdrive_exe.lha
Architecture: generic

  You enjoyed Super Sprint, Nitro, SuperCars 2, then try SuperDrive !
Four players at the same time can challenge, weapons allowed, wind, night, 80 tracks in
4 scenarios, well, you haven't finished to play to SuperDrive.

 Best played, on 68030+, optimal on 68060 !
Documentation in English, Deutch, French, Swedish. 
The author :
   Sylvain Zangiacomi
   30 Rue Montribloud
   69160 Tassin


*** TRY MY OTHER GAMES : Duelcity, Demineur, Snacky, Snacky Folies ***
***              ForestFight, Fighting Spirit                      ***
***                 Download them from AMINET                      ***

                    Amiga Forever !!!!!
                     Amiga Forever !!!!!
                      Amiga Forever !!!!!
                       Amiga Forever !!!!!

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                        Amiga Forever !!!!!
                         Amiga Forever !!!!!
                          Amiga Forever !!!!!
                           Amiga Forever !!!!!