Short: A 2 players game, balistic kind of game Author: Sylvain Zangiacomi Uploader: amigazette toulon pacwan net (OFS) Type: game/2play Version: 1.1 Requires: 1 meg CHIP Architecture: m68k-amigaos Forest Fight is the number two of Duel City, but is very much better ! It's an AMOS PRO game compiled the 24/3/98, and must run on every OS ! You NEED to be 2 human players to play Forest Fight, the aim is to kill your opponent with a boomrang. The scene takes place in a deep forest, there are many bonus, and surprising events during the fight ! The author : Sylvain Zangiacomi 21 Chemin du CrĂȘt 69570 DARDILLY FRANCE Write me for sources or disk version ! You may improve Forest Fight ! ********************************************************************** *** TRY MY OTHER GAMES : Duelcity, Demineur, Snacky, Snacky Folies *** *** FightingSpirit *** *** Download them from AMINET *** ********************************************************************** Amiga Forever !!!!! Amiga Forever !!!!! Amiga Forever !!!!! Amiga Forever !!!!! /-------- | /| * /----- /-------- / | | | / | / | | || | | | / | | | | | || | | | | | | | | || |--------| | | | | |--------| || | | | | | | |--- | | || | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | / | | || | | | | | -----/ | | __ Amiga Forever !!!!! Amiga Forever !!!!! Amiga Forever !!!!! Amiga Forever !!!!! -------------------------- CONTACT AMIGAzette -------------------------- 0.494.611.443 67 Rue Messager 83200 Toulon FRANCE OFS