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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
zoommodem.lha .0001 docs/misc 541 1K 1999-12-04 generic icon Zoom\'s modem connect strings - (readme)
Zagadki-SNTX.lha 1.0 docs/misc 534 15K 2002-06-09 generic icon Guide ***POLISH ONLY*** about riddles of history - (readme)
YUVN-A.lha 1.1 docs/misc 1000 1K 2008-01-13 generic icon IFF-YUVN alpha extension (DATO) - (readme)
YAFA-doc.lha docs/misc 1140 8K 1996-06-01 generic icon YAFA animation format description - (readme)
xpksublibs.lha 1.0 docs/misc 1042 278K 2019-05-30 generic icon XPK Sub-Libraries Guide - (readme)
XMasStory.lha docs/misc 509 13K 1996-12-29 generic icon Bill G*tes Christmas story - (readme)
XiPaint4Guide.lha docs/misc 544 1.2M 2001-10-15 generic icon German Xi-Paint4.0 Guide in HTML - (readme)
XFLS_Txt.lha docs/misc 508 300K 2001-09-05 generic icon The X-Files StarBase-Text (182.5) - (readme)
wzonka-lad_doc.lha 0.99.3 docs/misc 512 71K 1998-04-13 generic icon Wzonka-Lad - Translations of the docs - (readme)
WWVisitenkart.lha docs/misc 537 3K 1998-02-10 generic icon Business cards with Wordworth (German) - (readme)
WWCovers.lha 2.0 docs/misc 506 114K 1996-11-09 generic icon Create covers with Wordworth 5 - (readme)
WW7Guide.lha docs/misc 615 274K 2001-10-15 generic icon German Wordworth7 Guide in HTML - (readme)
WW6-Germ-ARexx.lha docs/misc 519 15K 1997-09-13 generic icon Wordworth 6: ARExx-Funktionen (German) - (readme)
Ww2008CalendarITA.lha 2008 docs/misc 990 4K 2008-01-19 generic icon 2008 italian calendar made with Wordworth - (readme)
WW-FKeys.lha docs/misc 493 4K 1998-12-09 generic icon Wordworth-Overview: Function key map - (readme)
wspringe.lha docs/misc 454 221K 1997-05-27 generic icon Weltenspringer - (readme)
worldcup.lha 2.11 docs/misc 3528 655K 2023-06-28 generic icon Statistics of World Cups 1930-2022 - (readme)
WoCToronto.txt docs/misc 684 4K 1992-12-11 generic icon CBM statement about future plans. - (readme)
WOCHappenings.txt docs/misc 591 13K 1992-09-15 generic icon Report from World of C= Pasadena - (readme)
WlkngWthGod.lha docs/misc 461 10K 2001-02-10 generic icon Devotional, combining 3 essays - (readme)
WK-Syndrom.lha 1.00 docs/misc 507 1.3M 1997-11-10 generic icon Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom (FW-Doc) (german) - (readme)
WildFire_3.txt 1.0 docs/misc 461 19K 1999-01-03 generic icon How to make the DKB WildFire 060 faster - (readme)
whosonfirst.lha docs/misc 481 3K 1993-09-27 generic icon LaTeX: Who\'s on first? (sketch) - (readme)
whatnext.txt docs/misc 476 3K 1997-08-09 generic icon The Aminet Remix of What Next? - (readme)
wfmh-ann199907.lzh docs/misc 507 14K 1999-08-02 generic icon 199907 [PL/UK] Log of WFMH-Announce list - (readme)
wfmh-ann.9803.lzh docs/misc 472 5K 1999-08-02 generic icon 9803 [PL/UK] Log of WFMH-Announce list - (readme)
wfmh-ann.9802.lzh docs/misc 549 9K 1999-08-02 generic icon 9802 [PL/UK] Log of WFMH-Announce list - (readme)
wfbook93_texi.lha docs/misc 471 1.3M 1995-04-01 generic icon WorldFactBook 1993 texinfo version - (readme)
WarpUp-Sep00.lha docs/misc 470 30K 2000-10-09 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in September 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Oct00.lha docs/misc 469 63K 2000-11-11 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in October 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Nov00.lha docs/misc 475 97K 2000-12-14 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in November 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-May00.lha docs/misc 451 54K 2000-06-05 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in May 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Mar00.lha docs/misc 461 149K 2000-04-04 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in March 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Jun00.lha docs/misc 516 84K 2000-07-08 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in June 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Jul00.lha docs/misc 473 19K 2000-08-18 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in July 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Jan01.lha docs/misc 471 22K 2001-02-15 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in January 2001 - (readme)
WarpUp-Jan00.lha docs/misc 488 155K 2000-02-04 generic icon Postings to WarpUp ml in January 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Feb01.lha docs/misc 463 21K 2001-03-15 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in Febuary 2001 - (readme)
WarpUp-Feb00.lha docs/misc 473 79K 2000-03-04 generic icon Postings to WarpUp ml in Febuary 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Dec99.lha docs/misc 492 179K 2000-01-10 generic icon Postings to WarpUp ml in December 1999 - (readme)
WarpUp-Dec00.lha docs/misc 475 121K 2001-01-07 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in December 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Aug00.lha docs/misc 478 86K 2000-09-08 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in August 2000 - (readme)
WarpUp-Apr00.lha docs/misc 477 28K 2000-05-13 generic icon Postings to the WarpUp ml in April 2000 - (readme)
Wampiry.lha 1.0 docs/misc 489 483K 2002-05-09 generic icon Guide ***POLISH ONLY*** about vampires - (readme)
walker_log.lha docs/misc 487 25K 1996-03-19 generic icon Complete log from the Walker IRC conference - (readme)
Walker_FAQ.lha docs/misc 478 4K 1996-05-23 generic icon Ultimate FAQ about AT\'s walker - (readme)
vwfb12_3.lha docs/misc 520 435K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise Bible data 2 - (readme)
vwfb12_2.lha docs/misc 564 522K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise Bible data 1 - (readme)
vwfb12_1.lha docs/misc 538 407K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise Full Bible display/search/output - (readme)
VulQ.lha docs/misc 502 1K 1997-03-31 generic icon A questionnaire that goes to Vulcan Software (UK) - (readme)
Found 652 matching packages
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