Short:        SCENER - second at Gravity`97
Author:       psb dk!
Uploader:     zorka19 puma tu koszalin pl (zorek/psb)
Type:         demo/aga
Requires:     aga chipset and pal video
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

            ____________________________________________________ _
           _\                                                  ///_
           |               przyjaciele stefana b.                 !
           |                                                      |
  _______ ________ .... ....  ____ ________ ________ ____ _______ ____  _______
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           | .____.                                               |
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           |                                                      |
           |   w y z s z y   s t o p i e n   l a m e r s t w a    |
           |                                                      |

                            p        s        b
                      presents our new dentro entitled

                         s    c    e    n    e    r                   

             "codework":  zorka19
                  music:  looping ("beautiful day")
       image processing:  rodnej
                 design:  mroova

         requirements:  aga chipset
			4mb fastram
                        pal video

                        timing made on my 030/50 no fpu!

this  presentation  could  be freely distributable and copyable.  it may be a
part  of  marvellous  AminetCD  series by Schatzruche software.  others - ask
permission by sending e-mail to one of our members!  we note that some of our
productions  was  included  into  dofferent cd-compilations and sold for real
hard  money!   Earning money by selling demos suxx!  Yes, long live Amiga and
long live polish crazy demonstrations! if you want to contact the authors:   (karnister) (zorka19)   (lazoor)