Short:        SpamAssassin client for UMS
Author: (Andre Schenk)
Uploader:     andre melior s bawue de (Andre Schenk)
Type:         comm/ums
Version:      1.3
Replaces:     comm/ums/umsspamc1_2.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This  little  tool is a replacement for the program "spamc" that comes with
the SpamAssassin package. It uses an UMS message base as backend system.


    1.0 : first release
    1.1 : added some statistics
          only process mails with write access
    1.2 : added "DELETE" parameter
          adapted to SpamAssassin 2.53
          fixed problem with mails > 64 KB
    1.3 : don't ignore messages from a local user
          process unreadable messages as spam