Short:        Parnet filesystem 1.2
Author:       Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert <>
Uploader:     Olaf \\'Rhialto\\' Seibert <rhialto mbfys kun nl>
Type:         comm/net
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


   ParNFS is intended to be a replacement for the well-known Parnet file
system by the Software Distillery. I wrote it because it had a number of
important deficiencies:

   * It came without source, which is a sin bi itself, but also meant I
     couldn't fix the other problems.

   * It would not allow you to get a directory listing with most
     versions of the "list" command that I used; only the AmigaDOS 1.3
     version worked.

   * It did not cooperate with other applications using Parnet.

   * It gave annoying requesters when you attempted to use 2.0 features.