Short:        Parnet chat program.  Short and sweet.
Uploader:     midian azstarnet com
Type:         comm/net
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

NetPass.Rexx Version 1.1
  by Charles Patterson
My first attempt at ARexx programing. A simple little program that opens
a CON: device window on one computer and a CON: device window on a
computer that is ParNETed to the first. Any text typed in the window will
be passed via the ParNET to the other computer's window. The other computer
needs to run NetPass as well, opening anther window on each computer, to
send text back to the first computer.
	If you like/use/hate it, send me a note.

	Charles Patterson
	4632 South Goldenrod Drive
	Tucson AZ 85730-4102