Short:        Specialised FTP/HTTP client/downloader
Author: (Ian Chapman)
Uploader:     ian chapman bleach demon co uk
Type:         comm/net
Version:      1.2
Replaces:     1.0
Requires:     Workbench 3.0+, MUI, TCP/IP Stack
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                             Go Fetch FTP/HTTP 1.2
                           (Released March 18th 2000)
                         Includes AmigaOS 3.5 Installer

If you've heard of Go!Zilla or FileHound for the PC then you'll have an idea of
what Go Fetch! was designed to do.

Go Fetch! FTP/HTTP will download a queue of files in the background whilst you get on
with other tasks such as browsing the web.

Scenario 1:

There may be several large files on an FTP/HTTP server you want to download, but you
don't want to stay online downloading them. By using Go Fetch! you can download
a bit more of the file each time you go online. You can even build the features
of Go Fetch! into your web browser to create a new profile from a link on a web

Scenario 2:

There's lots of files on an FTP/HTTP site you want, but they are spread across
different directories. You don't want to have to wait until each file has
finished downloading before getting the next. Well, simply add them to Go Fetch!
and they will all be downloaded while you get on with other tasks.


- Uses MUI GUI.
- No additional MCCs needed.
- Extensive AREXX Support.
- Supports FTP and HTTP (Registered Users Only)
- File Resuming. (both HTTP and FTP)
- File Comments.
- Site Directory.
- Profile History.
- CPS Counter
- Integration with your favourite web programs.
- Bubble Help.
- Online Help.
- Context Sensitive Help.
- RFC 959 and basic 1945 Compliancy.
- Uses Fire & Forget technology.
- Log File
- Iconification
- Mini Log which can open on any public screen.

List of Changes since 1.0
        Bug Fixes
        - In previous versions of Go Fetch!, it would allocate a new file
          transfer buffer each time a new transfer began, without freeing
          the old buffer until the program exited. This might have led to
          some low memory situations on machines with little RAM. Go Fetch!
          now frees the buffer after each transfer.
        - Whilst a file requestor was open, the user was able to resize the GUI
          however it would not refresh leaving to a corrupt GUI. Go Fetch! now
          enters a sleep state when a file requestor is open, disallowing the
          user to resize the GUI.
        - Fixed problem with HTTP downloads where the profile history would show
          a successful transfer regardless.
        New Features
        - Go Fetch! now supports HTTP resume
        - FTP connections are now kept alive if the next file is located on the
          same server.
        - When editing an HTTP profile, the HTTP page is automatically brought
          to the front.
        - Added a file requestor icon to the default download directory in the
          preferences editor.
        - Added option to retain profiles which failed to connect.
        - Added option to retain profiles which timed out.
        - Added option to retain profiles where the file was not found.
        - Added option to display the profiles list when Go Fetch! is in the
          connected state.
        - Added option to Enabled/Disable keeping the FTP Connection alive.
        - Added option to Enable/Disable the downloading of the full file if an
          HTTP file resume negotiation fails.
        - Added feature to control the size of the file transfer buffer for
          optimum performance.
        - Added feature to set the timeout in seconds.
        - Improved the look of the GUI.