Short:        A WebDav client
Author:       Carsten Siegner <>
Uploader:     Carsten Siegner <carstensiegner dg-email de>
Type:         comm/net
Version:      1.9
Replaces:     comm/net/CloudDav_1.81.lha
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 3.17
Distribution: Aminet

Cloudav is a fast WebDAV client to expand the internal hard disk with cloud
memory. You can use a modern synergy nas server or the online service "1 & 1
Allway Sync etc." to make it to your hard drive.

New in 1.2:  Show your contact lists with the new CardDav client

New in 1.3:  Show your importent dates with the new CalDav client

New in 1.5: CloudDav now needs morphos 3.17. 
It uses the latest Openssl.library. The network task 
is now fully asyncrone and can be canceled at any time.
Several bug fixes were made.

New in 1.6: CloudDav is much faster the the previous version. It supports more
webdav comands and displays now anim gif.

New in 1.7: CloudDav unpack many archive types on the fly.

New in 1.8: Support of Webp images. Support of more Webdav server.

New in 1.81: Drive / Directory backup support. Shell interface; This interface 
support only backups from drives / directories.


    Dir:   Directory on a drive / harddisk.
	ServerDIR:    Filename without a path of the directory on a cloud
	URL:     URL of a sever example:
    UPLOADPATH:     Path on a cloud server without the directory name.
    Port:      Https port. example: 443
	User:     Username.
    Password:   Password.
    Verbose:  1 = Debug the server connection. 0 = No debug.

+ Supports HTTP and the secure HTTPS protocol.
+ Streams pictures (Internal pictureviewer)
+ Streams sound (internal soundplayer)
+ Streams movies (internal movieplayer)
+ Supports the maximum up / download rate
+ CardDav client
+ CalDav client
+ WebDav client

Version 1.0:

+ First Public Version

Version 1.1:

+ Extremly fast picture viewer
+ Two more commands
+ Streams Movies
+ The list are sorted now
+ Bugfixes

Version 1.2:

+ Add CardDav client

Version 1.3:

+ Add CalDav client
+ Transfer over network is twice as fast as before
+ More controle over SSL Transfere

Version 1.5:

+ The network task is now fully asyncrone.
+ Use of Openssl.library

Version 1.6:

+ Much higher speed ( up to 3 MByt/s)
+ Transfer encoding (deflate / gzip)
+ Support of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 protocol
+ Tooltypes
+ Individiual user agent
+ Lowspeed timout / limit
+ The picture viewer supports anim gif
+ Bugfixing
+ Support of webdav comands 'rename, move, copy'

Version 1.7:

+ unpack archives on server on the fly
+ download content of archives on the fly
+ CloudDav support multitasking 
+ unpack archives in seperate task
+ very fast archive / movie processing

Version 1.71:

+ Save and load multiple Server settings
+ Bugfixes
+ Works now with ""

Veersion 1.8:

+ Works now with:,,,, and a synology diskstation.
+ Cookie system are enabled
+ SSL cachesystem are enabled
+ Now SSL certificate checking
+ The picture viewer supports Webp images
+ Net priority are flexible
+ Muche more data was parsed
+ muche better error handling
+ bugfixes

Version 1.81:

+ Works now with
+ Make a backup from a directory on a cloud server
+ Shell interface to make easy directory backups
+ bugfixes

Version 1.9:

+ Simple Loginmanager
+ Simple PDF viewer class incudet
+ E-book reader (.epub) includet
+ Doc reader (.doc) incudet
+ Passwords are now hidden
+ New icons