Short:        Steal the  tagline from current message.
Author:       Josh Marshall
Uploader:     joshua st net au
Type:         comm/mmgr
Replaces:     MM_StealTag.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This script will search for a ... at the start of the line and add it
to your tagline file.  You will have to edit the code to set the path
and filename of the taglines. (See the comment in MM_Stealtag.rexx)

Add an entry in the BROSWEMENU like this (just copy it):

#BROWSEMENU "Steal tagline..." "sys:rexxc/rx MM:REXX/MM_StealTag %a %n" "."

where %a is the current area and %n is the number of the  message  you
are reading.

You will then have the menu item in your browser window User menu
"Steal tagline..." with a keyboard short cut of "." Right Amiga . will
steal taglines for you.

Josh Marshall