Short: Portuguese locale Catalog for YAM v1.3.5 Author: Raul Silva <> Uploader: Raul Silva <Amiga-Mania sapo pt> Type: comm/mail Version: 1.3.5 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Country: Portugal Amiga-Mania HomePage: Amiga-Mania HomePage: Amiga-Mania Forum: Onine Amiga-Mania Radio: Onine Amiga-Mania Radio: Total Chaos HomePage: Total Chaos HomePage: Amiga Shop HomePage: Amiga Shop HomePage: Amiga-Mania WebServer: E-Mail: ICQ UIN: 86496405 Jabber ID: MSN/.NET Passport: AOL/AIM Messenger: amigaufo Yahoo Messenger: amigaufo IRC NickNames: Songonco / AmigaUFO / AmigaUFO-DJ IRC Amiga World Channel: #Amiga-Mania NaNet Servers: / / DalNet Server: Port: 6667 URL: URL: NaNet Admin / IRCOP: AmigaUFO ENGLISH This archive contain the Portuguese catalog file for program YAM v1.3.5. Copy the YAM.catalog file to WorkBench:Locale/Catalogs/Português directory, or copy the YAM.catalog file to YAM:Catalogs/Português program directory. PORTUGUÊS Este ficheiro contém o catálogo em Português para o programa YAM v1.3.5. Ponha o ficheiro YAM.catalog em WorkBench:Locale/Catalogs/Português, ou ponha o ficheiro YAM.catalog no directório YAM:Catalogs/Português, do programa. Alguma Dúvida que tenham a respeito do catálogo, enviem-me um E-Mail. SISTEMA AMIGA / AMIGA SYSTEM AMIGA - Commodore Amiga 1200. (Rev. 1D1) AmigaOS 3.9 - Workbench v45.3 (3.9), KickStart v45.57 (3.1 File) AmigaOS 4 Beta Memory - 2MB Chip 32MB Fast, 1 SIMM EDO 32MB 60ns. Tower Amiga 1200 - RBM TowerHawk 1200 II EX Amiga Keyboard - Amiga 4000 Keyboard in Portuguese from Amiga III Technologies. Turbo Board - Blizzard 1230 IV with MC68030, MMU at 50Mhz FPU 68882 at 50Mhz. Monitor - Commodore 1960, 14" Floppy Disk DD - Amiga 1200 Internal Drive 880K HD UltraATA - Western Digital Caviar AC313000R UltraATA 66 with 13.1GB, 3.5". Interface SCSI II - Blizzard SCSI-KIT IV. Disco Rígido SCSI II - Quantum LPS540S with 520MB, 3.5". Mouse - Optical mouse with 3 bottons from Alfa Data OMM-MT-S JoyPad - Competition Pro CD³². JoyStick - Quick Shot II Deluxe Joystick Controller SVI Spectravideo Stereo Sound System - PowerMax 500/B - Multimedia Subwoofer System - TEAC Satellites: 2 x 75 Watts, Subwoofer 350 Watts Modem - Ethernet Cable Modem 640/128 with RJ45 and USB connectors. 3Com U.S.Robotics 56K Faxmodem 56.400bps NetWork Card - Micronet PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter, 10/100 Mbps Cable Modem - Octal Ethernet Cable Modem 640/128 with RJ45 and USB connectors Router - Wireless Barricade Broadband Router - 11 Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Broadband Router HUB - OvisLink Ethernet HUB 8+ Scanner SCSI II - Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP, 600dpi (H) x 1200dpi (V) - 9600dpi x 9600dpi, 36bits with 68.7 biliões of colors. Transparency Adapter - Transparency Adapter IV Mustek ZIP 250 - Drive Iomega ZIP 250MB, SCSI II. CD-RW - YAMAHA CDRW 6416S, SCSI II. DVD-ROM - PIONEER DVD-303, 6x 32x, SCSI II. PlayStation Memorycard - Interface for MCControl ( Read, save, delete, format PlayStation Memorycards ) ParNET Cable - To connect Amiga-Amiga via parallel port NULLModem Cable - To Connect Amiga-PC via serial port Monitor Data Switch - Analog Monitor Data Transfer Switch DB-25 AmigaOS 3.5/3.9/4.0+ Betatester, Translater graphics and Glowicons designer. Basic, HTML and Javascript programmer Amiga Software Betatester Amiga Software Translater Amiga graphics, Newicons and Glowicons designer ATO Translater ATO-PT Translater AMIGA PARA SEMPRE ;-) ----------------- AMIGA 4 EVER