Short:        A great Areafix/Filemanager for DLGMail
Uploader:     dbucher alphanet ch
Type:         comm/dlg
Version:      DBAreafix V1.7a
Replaces:     DBAreafix V1.5d
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

*****  DBAreafix V1.7a  *****  ©1995 by Denis Bucher  *****  Shareware  *****


	Includes :
	     - Change archiver
	     - User access to some areas or not
	     - Infinite AKAs : DBAreafix, Areafix, Mneurf... !
             - FileManager : Handles with file-areas
               (in conjonction with DBTicker)
	     - Complete log file
	     And all the common functions :-)

	Simple configuration :
	     - Configuration editor in DLG or CLI (very simple)
	     - Can be added in the DLGMail/PDQMail process cycle
	     - 100% compliant with the new PDQMail !
	     - No conflits with DLG command "Renumber"
	     - You just have to use the DLGMail "MYADDRESS domains!address"
	        and replace domain with the name of the following areas.
	     - Ready !

	Free :
	     - Shareware NOT limited if unregistered
	UpToDate :
	     - I'll take your suggestions, and one week
	        after, you'll have YOUR version
             - For example, version 1.7a is at least
                the 60th version !